Report by the Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh on status of compliance of solid waste management rules, 2016
There are a total of 16 legacy waste dumpsites in the state and 263641 tonnes of legacy waste has been dumped at dumpsites. Around 83311.28 tonnes of legacy waste has been cleared from the dumpsites.
Two legacy waste dumpsites at Sunder Nagar and Sarkaghat have been cleared and in 14 legacy dumpsites bio mining has started. The state of Himachal Pradesh has set the time frame for clearing all legacy dumpsites by December 2023.
When it comes to plastic waste buy back policy, the state has purchased and processed so far 258 tonnes - processed through cement industries and road construction (tarred length of 175 kms).

This was stated in the report by the Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh in Original Application No 606 of 2018 for the state regarding compliance of solid waste management rules, 2016.
Timelines for achieving 100 per cent municipal solid waste processing have been fixed for December 2023. And the gaps are mainly in newly formed urban local bodies due to land issues.
Compost is being used in parks, gardens of ULBs and some ULBs have started selling the compost for agriculture and horticulture purpose. In some areas compost is being distributed free of cost. Segregated combustible fraction (SCF) into refuse derived fuel (RDF) is being sent to cement industries for co-processing and the public works department for use in road construction. Inert waste (soil/dust/gravels/glass/process rejects) is in very small quantities and being disposed locally through land leveling. Landfill facilities are being developed at Shimla and Baddi, said the report, March 15, 2023.