Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board report regarding illegal mining near river Ken, Banda district, 19/06/2023
Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board report in compliance of directions issued by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) vide order dated April 19, 2023.
The matter is related to illegal mining near river Ken, district Banda, Uttar Pradesh.
The nominated joint committee members carried out field visits around the mining place in village Amlorkhadar and village Khapatiha. The leasehold area in village Amlorkhadar was not found operational while the lease hold area in village Khapatiha, tehsil Pailani was found operational.

The leasehold area is in the river Ken. Mining is being carried out in submerged areas and the extent of mining has been allowed to the extent of entire available minerals including replenished minerals whereas permissible mining is only to the extent of 60 per cent in context of Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 (SSMG 2016) and Enforcement & Monitoring Guidelines for Sand Mining 2020 (EMGSM 2020) at leasehold area.
It was found that mining work had been done within the allotted coordinates. Mining work was not found in the stream of river Ken and no obstruction was found in the stream of the river. According to details of mined material provided by the Mine Office, Banda the quantity of mined material is less than the total mineral quantity with available mineral before pre-monsoon and replenished mineral quantity in year 2022. The joint committee also listed the post mining environmental restoration plan.
There was absence of green cover development/tree plantation in the area equivalent to 20 per cent of total lease area either on river bank or along road side (avenue plantation). The team noted that environmental audit, environmental statements were not strictly complied with by the miner.
The joint committee recommended that mining leases near river bank should not be allowed to avoid the mining in restricted areas of river banks. The mine area across/within the river course should not be allotted to avoid in stream mining. The mine work should be allowed as per the provision of EMGSM 2020 of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change January 2020 and mining plan submitted by lessee. Post mining environmental restoration activity should be completed after closing the mining before the start of monsoon season.