Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding disposal of sewage and status of STPs in Faridnagar town, Uttar Pradesh, 30/01/2024
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Paryavaran Mitra Vs State of Uttar Pradesh &Others dated 30/01/2024.
The matter related to encroachments in the area of pond covering a total area of 11.1350 hectares situated at Kasba Farid Nagar, tehsil Modi Nagar, Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh. Encroachments have been caused by raising constructions of houses, animal sheds and other structures for residential and commercial purposes.
The court was informed that no sewage treatment plant is existing in Faridnagar town and 2 STPs are under consideration in respect whereof detailed project reports are being prepared by the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam with an estimated cost of Rs. 1099.69 lakhs and Rs. 1061.06 lakhs. When the court questioned the authorities as to what is the daily generation of sewage and where sewage is being discharged presently, no satisfactory reply was given.

"It appears that whatever sewage is being generated, it is untreated and is being discharged directly into storm water drain which is ultimately meeting some river", the tribunal observed.
The NGT directed proper assessment of sewage generation in terms of septage from septic tanks and grey water generation in terms of septage from septic tanks and grey water generation and establishment of sewage treatment facilities. "Such facilities should be operable with desired results in view of the local conditions and not with high cost technologies which Nagar Parishad cannot operate. Simultaneously, utilization of treated sewage for raising plantation or for other irrigation purpose should also be attempted", the court recommended.
Situation of maintenance of sewage in Faridnagar town is highly unsatisfactory and despite complete prohibition under section 24 of Water Act 1974, discharge of untreated water is continuing on land and stream and no effective steps for its management is presently existing in the town, the court observed.
The NGT directed the authorities to take actual effective remedial steps at the ground level and submit a compliance report within three months.
The NGT also directed the Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department to give its response particular in respect to use/allocation of funds from the amount of ring-fenced account created with regard to the local body in question and also how the authorities have taken effective steps for management of sewage in Faridnagar town. The said reply should be submitted within three months. The court listed the matter for May 7, 2024.