Order of the Delhi High Court regarding STP and CETPs to curb untreated water flowing into river Yamuna, Delhi, 28/01/2025
Order of the Delhi High Court in the matter of Court on its own motion Vs Union of India & Others dated 28/01/2025.
The matter related to flooding, water logging and drainage issues in the Mundka village area on the account of torrential rain.
The petition- W.P.(C) 13190/2024, filed by the Maharani Bagh Co-Operative Housing Building and Welfare Society Ltd. & Anr. seeks demolition of illegal constructions on both sides of Taimoor Nagar and Khizarbad drains as well as removal of all the silt and garbage up to Yamuna Flood plains.
The court was informed by the Special Task Force (STF) that out of 10,747 cubic meters, 4000 cubic meters desilting has already been done. However, the pace of the work is not as expected in view of the non accessibility of some of the areas for movement of the equipment.
The HC directed that the desilting work should continue at a brisk pace and whatever steps are required to be taken, should be taken including for cleaning of the desliting areas under the culverts, bridges and any covered drains.
Insofar as the reconstruction of the Taimoor Nagar drain is concerned, in the minutes of meeting it has been pointed out that the PWD along with Green Design has not given the amended cross-section design for the Taimoor Nagar drain. The minutes reveal an alarming position where no representative from the PWD attended the meeting of the Special Task Force. The HC sternly warned the PWD to give complete cooperation to the STF.
The representatives of the Green Design submitted that the entire plan for the storm water drain within Delhi is being prepared by them. They are conducting a survey over 300 kms. Be that as it may they have now assured the court that the design shall be submitted to Anil Kumar, the Chairman of the STF within a month February 28, 2025. The Delhi High Court directed that the desilting work at the Taimoor Nagar should continue.

The Delhi HC also took up the matter of sewage treatment plants. The court noted that the order dated November 12 2024 had directed that all 37 STPS should have flow meters and sensors installed at the point of discharge. The Chief Engineer, SDW, Delhi Jal Board, Bhupesh Kumar submitted that "insofar as flow meters are concerned, out of 37 STPs, flow meters have been installed only at the effluent outlets of 22 STPs and for the 4 additional STPs, installation is expected by March, 2025. For the remaining 11 STPs there is a proposal to install the flow meters".
The HC pointed out that the issue of STPs is being monitored and dealt with by the court since April 2024 and no steps appear to have been taken by the DJB for installation of flow meters. On being queried as to whether these 37 STPs take care of all the sewage which is being drained into the Yamuna river, the court was informed that the 37 STPs only relate to sewage from domestic and residential areas - however, industrial effluents are under the jurisdiction of the DSIDC.
The HC directed DSIDC to file an affidavit giving information on whether all the industries and the effluents from the industries come within its jurisdiction. Also how many CETPs have been installed and are supervised by the DSIDC. Further, are there any more CETPs required to be installed to curb untreated water flowing into the river Yamuna. The HC also wanted information on whether there is any monitoring or supervision of the CETPs which come under the DSIDC and if so in what manner. Further, whether the CETPs have sensors and flow meters which are installed to monitor the effluent discharge into the river.