
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding discharge of untreated / partially treated sewage in river Ganga and its tributaries, Uttar Pradesh, 04/03/2025

  • 04/03/2025

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M C Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 04/03/2025.

Counsel for the applicant filed submissions dated March 2, 2025 in respect of the status of drains and STP locations of 10 districts in Uttar Pradesh to show the status of discharge of untreated / partially treated sewage in river Ganga and its tributaries in those districts. The other details concerning the compliance of norms in those districts having effect on the river water quality have also been disclosed.

Additional Advocate General for Uttar Pradesh has sought time to file response to each of the points and recommendations mentioned in the submissions of the applicant and also to give a timeline along with the name of the responsible officer for adhering to the said timeline for remediating the problem.

The court directed the Secretary, Environment, Uttar Pradesh to file the affidavit on the matter.