Status report by DM, Doda regarding waterbody pollution in Bhaderwah, Doda, Jammu & Kashmir, 24/03/2025
Status report by DM, Doda in OA No 178 of 2024 (News item appearing in Greater Kashmir dated 15/01/2024 titled Increasing pollution badly affecting water bodies in Bhaderwah). The status report filed by the Deputy Commissioner / District Magistrate, Doda, March 24, 2025 said that a strong monitoring mechanism has been established to review the status of activities. Quality of water is being monitored closely alongside J&KPCC. Water samples are being tested on periodic basis and all the samples (except sample of Puneja Nallah) wherein BOD value has been found 3.3 against 3 along with slight pungent smell) have been found conforming to the specifications. The main reason being the unavailability of bio-effluent treatment plant (ETP) at slaughter house. BOD value will improve once ETP is installed at slaughter house.
For treatment of sewage, the action plan had identified 1.68 MLD of sewerage and septage generated by households getting drained into water bodies directly or indirectly without any treatment. The action plan also found that waste water from rural areas was getting drained in water bodies without any treatment. Further there was insufficient soakage pits in rural areas and waste from slaughter house was getting directly discharged into water body. The treatment plant installed in sub district hospital Bhaderwah is not oprational.
Another reason for the pollution of waterbodies was that septic waste coming out of various households is flowing into water bodies as the households have not constructed septic tank. Untreated waste was lying in open near dumping site at MRF facility Dranga Bhaderwah. The capacity of the landfill is on the vergeof getting exhausted. These were some of the problems identified in the action plan.