Status report filed by Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board regarding water stored in quarries like Sikkarayapuram, Tamil Nadu, 28/03/2025
Status report filed by Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board in the matter of Tribunal on its Own Motion Suo Moto based on the news item in Dinamalar, Chennai Edition dated 19/08/2024 titled "Kalquarry in Sikkarayapuram near Kundrathur is full of water" Vs The Chief Secretary to Government, Ministry of Natural Resources & Others dated 28/03/2025.
Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) in its efforts for water augmentation through non-conventional sources implemented the pumping of water from abandoned quarries to Sikkarayapuram quarries during the extreme droughts in 2017, 2019, 2023 and 2024 under special initiatives. At present, the infrastructure for pumping operation is ready to be operated as necessary at Sikkarayapuram quarries. Also, infrastructure works for availing TNEB supply at Sikkarayapuram quarries are completed and the application with TNPDCL for obtaining power supply is in progress. The storage is at present close to 6000 ml.
The work of pumping arrangements at Sikkarayapuram quarries were completed and operations commenced from Sikkarayapuram and the pumping operations were then not continued after 2019 due to subsequent good monsoons.
The cumulative quantity pumped form Sikkarayapuram quarries was 2727 ml in 2017, 3606.19 ml in 2019, 1292.73 ml in 2023 and 105.44 ml in 2024. The CMWSSB infrastructure established the interconnection provided to all the quarries.
The CMWSSB infrastructure established in the interconnection provided to all the quarries, along with the kutcha drain provided by WRD from the Chembarambakkam surplus up to the quarries have now facilitated filling up of the quarries regularly. With the available storage and infrastructure, CMWSSB is in a position to draw 30 MLD from Sikkarayapuram quarries and 10 MLD from Erumaiyur quarries based on the need.