
Short news

>> Following recent deaths at mines in South Africa, the region's biggest mining union the National Union of Mineworkers has warned it will go on strike unless companies focus on workers' safety. The union has asked companies to invest in seismic detection technology to warn miners of impending tremors and reinforce loose ground inside mines after blasting.

>> South Korea on September 14 began operating a nuclear fusion test reactor using an advanced superconducting magnetic system. Seoul hopes the reactor, developed over 12 years at a cost of about US $330 million, will make it a world leader in fusion technology. Seoul aims to start commercial generation of electricity from nuclear fusion within 30 years.

>> To bring attention to the Darfur crisis, protests were organised in 30 countries in the third week of September. In Ghana, protesters with blindfolds formed human chain to tell world leaders "not to look away from the continuing violence in Darfur'.

>> The Australian state of Queensland has created a new cabinet post for climate change, sustainability and innovation.

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