
who US, what sanctions?

  • 30/01/1999

who US, what sanctions? the United States seeks to punish those with whom it does not agree. Perhaps, this is democracy, North American style. The idea of sanctions is thus ingrained in its diplomatic discourse, though experience shows it mostly does not pay off. When India chose to declare last May that it could blast its own nuclear weapons, the us expectedly slapped economic sanctions. There was no surprise about this, given the us track record. (What some Europeans and the Japanese did is irrelevant, for they only play the follow-the-leader game, and would undoubtedly end their sanctions the minute Washington does.)

But most people missed the fine print, and were surprised when on November 19, five months after economic sanctions were imposed, the us government announced it was placing a ban on 208 Indian "entities'. Really speaking, this ban is no more than an elaboration of Washington's post-Pokhran sanctions on June 12. Under it, the us would not export to these "entities' which include 30 public sector undertakings, nine private companies and, the remainder, a range of government departments, university faculties and academic institutions of excellence. The extent of the exports is not significant here, for all these institutions look to multiple sources anywhere, including the us . Thus, it is the symbolism which is relevant.

The ban is punishment for allegedly contributing, directly or indirectly, to the Indian nuclear and missile programmes. The selection of "entities' is at once naive and demonic. It includes electrical and construction majors like Godrej, Larsen & Toubro and Crompton Greaves, and internationally-respected scientific institutions like the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. Perhaps the legendary Aryabhatta, whose contribution to mathematics and astronomy is monumental, escaped by a whisker only because bureaucrats in the us Bureau of Exports Administration ( bea ) had not done their homework. It appears that the us had made up its mind to hit at the cream of India's civilian academic and corporate institutions so that they may not forget the lesson in a hurry. This amounts to no less than calculatedly targeting India's pride.

Why these organisations have been singled out is wholly unclear. Equally unclear, of course, is why have scores of other institutions of learning, especially those given to the mathematical and natural sciences, been left out. After all, the defence capability of a country

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