
What Kamal Nath said

What is your assessment of CG's handling of the spill?
I visited the area a few days after the spill along with the environment secretary, the assistant inspector general of wildlife and the NIO director. CG did a commendable job, with the limited expertise at its command. During the 60 hours that the tanker was adrift, it spilled more than 40,000 tonnes of oil, which formed huge slicks that came within 18 km of Indira Point, the southernmost tip of Great Nicobar Island.

What are your comments on the total lack of international assistance?
We expected offers of help in line with the spirit of the biodiversity convention. We were not about to ask for help as we wanted to get on with the job of cleaning the spill. Nevertheless, we felt let down that no nation volunteered to help.

How much will you seek as compensation?
That depends on the outcome of the environmental impact assessment of the oil spill, which is being conducted by NIO scientists. Also, we will have to wait for CG's assessment of the money spent on dispersing the spill. Any comment now could jeopardise the amount to which we are entitled.

What will you do to ensure such incidents are not repeated?
We will request our counterparts in the ministry of external affairs to take up at the international level the issue of maritime safety in the extremely busy strait (of Malacca). Further, there should be clear-cut guidelines on international assistance in such crises.

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