
Weather Modification

Bernard J Eastlund who spent eight years with the US atomic energy commission, and a pioneer in the field of weather modification research, spoke to Down To Earth

How did you get the idea?
I studied the papers available on numerical simulation (computer modelling) of mesocyclone (thunderstorm) development and was looking for phenomena within the storm associated with tornado formation. The "cold rainy downdraft' was identified as a potential energy supplier to the rotational motion. I realised that the cold rain could be heated by microwave beams and this is how the idea germinated in me.

Is your theory really new?
The Russians, Chinese and the Norwegians are known to possess such technologies.

Ionosphere modification with radio beams has been going on for some time now. My contribution was to develop a set of ideas regarding a wide range of phenomena that could be manipulated using a very large phased array located in Alaska.

Does the scientific community believe in such theories?
As this idea becomes better known, the "fear' is becoming a more healthy criticism. For example, the Severe Storms Laboratory in Oklahoma, USA, pointed out that the model I used does not include the size of the raindrop. This is helping to define the studies that are needed.

How well have your theories been accepted the worldover?
Of late, these are beginning to be considered by the meteorological community. It will take about US $1.5 million for two years to develop a code capable of handling phenomena such as raindrop size.

Can India benefit from this technology?
The key to development of these ideas is computer modelling. India has extremely strong capability in this area. I would welcome interaction with computer professionals who might want to help develop weather simulation codes that can accurately predict the behaviour of weather patterns due to heating of selected regions.

Will this theory hold good for cyclones too?
Right now, I am concentrating on mesocyclones. A cyclone is formed when many such thunderstorms organise in a larger pattern. Perhaps in the future, sensitive phenomena associated with cyclone development, can be identified.

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