
Little wonder

Little wonder Trillions of neutrinos pass through every human every second. A staggering number pass through the Earth. A steel vessel containing 47.3 million litres of ultra pure water was used as a detector 1.6 km below the Earth's surface. When a neutrino collides with a water molecule it results in a blue flash. This has led scientists to determine that neutrinos can change form and therefore must have mass


The neutrino is a particle that carries no electric charge, it is so light that it was assumed for many years to have no mass.

Neutrinos by far are the most common thing in the Universe. Stars and galaxies only account for 10 per cent of the matter in the Universe. Neutrinos could account for the rest.

•: A neutrino could easily penetrate a bar of lead six trillion miles thick without hindrance. It takes light a year to travel this distance.

Ouch! You held out your fingertip for a second and 500 billion neutrinos just passed through it. You never even felt a thing.

It wouldn't be right to think of long term investment in property. Neutrinos could slow down the expansion of the Universe causing it to collapse in a big crunch and destroy everything-in 10 to 20 billion years.

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