
Target: Jharkhand

  • 14/04/2005

Target: Jharkhand In 2002, Jharkhand received mining proposals worth Rs 1,200 crore. But currently, investments of more than Rs 52,000 crore are under consideration, with more than 44 mining proposals coming in during 2004 alone. The target here: Jharkhand's mineral wealth.

Coal contributes 88 per cent to the total value of mineral production in the state, while iron ore puts in 5 per cent. The state has 25 per cent of India's coal reserves, 16 per cent of iron ore and 18 per cent of bauxite reserves.

The government's comprehensive industrial policy, initiated in 2000, is aimed at ten per cent industrial growth, ending regional imbalances and finding new growth centres (incidentally, this policy centres around Chotanagpur, now facing huge community protests against industrialisation). The investor-friendly government has approved six power projects, four thermal and two hydro-power stations. It's only on the infrastructure front that the state foresees problems in handling potential growth. "We have the minerals, but are still facing a labour migration', says I D Paswan, state mining director.

The investor-friendly approach began in January 2002 with a "goodwill meeting' in New Delhi between potential investors and ministers of Jharkhand. In the

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