Van Dhan had systemic flaws
The program depended on a single agency, trifed, for marketing support
It was falsely assumed Trifed would regularly dispose whatever it had procured..
The program aimed to uproot an existing market system (however bad) without putting in place a sustainable alternative. The program might have done better had it aimed to reform the local traders rather than despise them
The program involved five focal agencies, around 1,000 SHGs, 10,000 members and over 3 lac farmers / NTFP gatherers. The flow of money was largely through banking channels, but there was no uniform accounting procedure
The system of price-fixation was erratic in practice, led to unrealistic prices at times
Trifed ignored the importance of the economic viability of the SHGs. It arbitrarily cut the rate of commission payable to them
Van Dhan neglected the role of NGOs. It depended too heavily on the administration.