Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding unscientific disposal of municipal solid waste at Almora, Uttarakhand, 16/05/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jitender Yadav Vs Union of India & Others dated 16/05/2019 regarding unscientific disposal of municipal solid waste at Almora, state of Uttarakhand.
The matter has been pending before the Tribunal for the last four years. The Tribunal through its order 12.09.2018 had directed that waste processing and treatment facility must commence before 15.12.2018 which will be the responsibility of the Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Development, state of Uttarakhand. A direction was issued to the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) to take steps to implement Extended Producer’s Responsibility (EPR) in accordance with Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, as amended in 2018.

A report filed on 15.05.2019 by the State of Uttarakhand indicates some of the steps taken but the issue of DPR is said to be still pending. In view of the lackadaisical attitude so far and failure of Uttarakhand to ensure compliance of specific direction of the Tribunal, further time is granted subject to furnishing of Performance Guarantee Rs. 10 lacs to the CPCB and if the order is not complied with within extended time, the amount will be forfeited and spent by CPCB for restoration of environment. The Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand has been directed to monitor the situation and MoEF&CC has been asked to file an explanation as to why the order has not been complied with.