Caring for the handicapped
Handicapped children are being helped to overcome their disabilities through special programmes and innovative schemes such as art.
Handicapped children are being helped to overcome their disabilities through special programmes and innovative schemes such as art.
Research indicates that maternal behaviour might have something to do with the size of the brain
Pesticides used in rice cultivation are having just the reverse effect than the one intended -instead of decimating pests, extensive studies reveal that they are, in fact, destroying precisely those precious bugs that keep the pests on a tight leash. Seve
A poison used in chemical warfare is being used to treat children with cerebral palsy
A new drug that improves the survival of diabetics with heart problems
Stopping blood supply to tumours appears to be a potent way to tackle cancer
UNDP's Human Development Report has become a bone of contention for 2 Indian ministries
Researchers believe that hepatitis virus can cause cancer
<br> Abhinav Goyal <hr /> <p>Access to Energy and its linkages with poverty alleviation are well established and much talked about around the globe, especially in the developing world. On a recent visit
<p style="margin-bottom: -4em;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="370px" scrolling="no" src="/files/re/home/demo/reportal.htm" width="540px"></iframe><br>Access to Energy and its linkages with poverty alleviation
A TRAGEDY of Indian planners as also of those from some other developing countries is that they have considered agricultural development synonymous with rural development. Development is a
A known a crusader for traditional Indian medicine. P Pushpangadan, who completed his Ph.D from Aligarh University, is currently the director of the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute tgbri in Thiruvananthapuram. The institute has championed
The Punjab government avoided tough decisions and resorted to populist measures. Now, the economy and the environment are both in tatters
Study warns that in the future climate change could be primarily responsible for ozone depletion
<p>Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Pakistan, Dec 2013 Erratic climate change events have hit the rice production in Pakistan this year and to take account of damages, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in its end-of-the-season report has downgraded its production forecast for the country by 600,000 tonnes to 8.7 million tonnes (5.8m tonnes, milled basis). Read more in this December 2013 edition of the Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Pakistan</p>
The recent MEF move for statewide appointments of van mukhiyas stir a hornets' nest
<font class='UCASE'>David Miller</font> is an expert in psychosocial management of <font class='UCASE'>hiv</font>/<font class='UCASE'>aids</font>. He has worked in developing countries since 1986 and is currently the Country Programme Adviser of <font
Environmentalists and developingcountries managed to stave off an attempt to sabotage the Basel Ban on international trade in hazardous substances at the fourth Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention
finally from April 1997 after years of dithering, ignoring world opinion, and consistently downplaying the deleterious health effects of pesticides like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) and
In every sphere of human endeavour, the use of biological indicators provides an elegant device, as they do not disrupt the stability of natural ecosystems