The Hazardous Wastes (Management,Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008 - notification
These rules may be called the Hazardous Wastes (Management,Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008.
These rules may be called the Hazardous Wastes (Management,Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008.
Past events of abrupt climatic change were preceded by characteristic symptoms that may also indicate future abrupt changes induced by global warming.
The Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is being prepared for Gare IV/1 coal mine extension from the present mine lease of 705.556 Ha to 978.654 Ha and maintaining the present level of production. Jindal Steel & Power (JSPL) is doing coal mining in Gare IV/1 coal block, captive to the JSPL plant located at Raigarh.
Provisional FAO estimates show that the number of undernourished people in 2007 increased by 75 million, over and above FAO
With the global carbon trade booming, environmental projects in developing countries have joined forces to finance their poverty reduction efforts by selling carbon credits collectively As a rule, the world of carbon credits is dominated by large- scale industrial projects backed by international companies with deep pockets.
Many countries are exploring various alternatives to reduce fuel consumption and preserve air quality in urban areas. There is a variety of attractive measures, such as promoting public transit and bicycle use, deploying congestion pricing or fuel taxes, etc, which have been proven successful in the past.
In transport, many modes have been defined as
In the EU, from September 2008 onwards, a new regulation comes
The scope of this paper is safe and sustainable sanitation in agriculture. Specifically, the idea of the paper is to find out the existing regulations and guidelines concerning a sustainable wastewater management in the European Union (EU), regarding small-scale on-site wastewater management, and particularly regarding the safe reuse of the source separated wastewater
This document pertains to centrally sponsored plan scheme
Coal based thermal power plants with generation capacity of 500 MW or more are listed under Category A of Schedule I of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) dated 14.09.2006 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II and Section 3, Sub-section (II), Ministry of Environment and Forests and requires Environmental Clearanc
<p>Public hearing details for Nirma Cement Plant held at Padhiarka, Mahuva Dist, Bhavnagar.</p>
The Australian government is set to introduce an emission trading scheme (ETS) which it plans to commence in 2010. Although the government has released a Green Paper outlining the parameters for the design of an emission trading scheme, one of the key debating points is around the caps on emissions, particularly over the medium term.
The theory that global warming may be contributing to stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic over the past 30 years is bolstered by a new study led by a Florida State University researcher. The study is published in the Sept. 4 edition of the journal Nature.
In view of the intersectorality of NREGA, the need to create durable assets and the fact that NREGA workforce constitutes the target group of most development programme, a Task Force has been set up to explore more comprehensive and effective possibilities of convergence, latent in NREGA. The Task Force is reviewing convergence strategies for NREGA.
Green organisations have instigated legal action over the new maximum legal limits on the level of pesticides allowed in food items sold in the European Union.
The second round of community water pollution monitoring was organizing in Bandi and Luni basins during September 16-18, 2008. The SKPSS Samiti and CSE decided to carry out the monitoring not only in Pali but also in Balotra. The members of the SKPSSS undertook sampling and testing of treated effluents from CETP 1, 2 and 3, river water at Sumerpur bridge and well water from Jetpur village.
The rapid environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental management plan is beiing prepared for Gare IV/1 coal mine extension, for which MOEF had given permission for three years according to approved mine plan by Ministry of Coal, GOI to meet the increased requirement of sponge iron plant to which this coal blok is captive.
Recent efforts to raise fuel efficiency for automobiles in the United States is a welcome first step for reducing carbon emissions from the transport sector. Schipper also suggests that fuel efficiency is not the only step that should be stimulated by national or local policies. Measures that reduce or even eliminate the need for driving must be promoted. These include transit oriented development, mixed-use, high-density neighborhoods, parking and road fees, mass transportation systems and congestion pricing schemes, like the one Mayor Bloomberg has proposed for New York City.
This report is a case study on the Krishna River Basin in South India. The basin has witnessed intense water development resulting in downstream environmental degradation. The observed decline in discharge to the ocean sends a strong signal: there is only little scope for further water supply development, and further taming the Krishna waters will exacerbate environmental degradation.