Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in India
Poverty is deepest among scheduled castes and tribes in the country
Poverty is deepest among scheduled castes and tribes in the country
India has had the most success attracting more private investment in infrastructure in 2006 than any other developing country. Long-standing policies in most other South Asian countries are beginning to bear fruit as well. Nevertheless, delivering the infrastructure services needed to sustain and accelerate
This document focuses on the role of local institutions in adaptation to climate change. It does so under the belief that climate impacts will affect disadvantaged social groups more disproportionately, and that local institutions centrally influence how different social groups gain access to and are able to use assets and resources.
After 30 years of dynamic growth and substantial poverty reduction in Asia, do agriculture and rural development still have a role to play in that region?
For better management and improved access, there are several tools and instruments available to the water manager. This training manual focuses on economic and financial instruments. Economic instruments provide incentives for more efficient water use, either in terms of reduction of water quantity or increasing
This study set out to identify and understand the extent to which, and ways in which, information from climate change models is being integrated into agricultural development practice and decision making in Africa. Adaptation to climate variability is not new, but climate change is expected to present heightened risk, new combinations of risks and potentially grave consequences.
An important new resource by the Centre for Social Markets bringing together emerging initiatives on climate change in India. Intended to promote awareness-raising, partnership development and a collective sense of movement building, the report is destined to become a 'must-have' for those working on the issues in India.
This report contains the "Natural Resource Accounting of Goa State' and the valuation of environment and forest ecosystem of Goa state. In this report basic concepts on environmental accounting and different approaches of valuation are described. More specifically report covers the valuation in the specific sectors viz., air, water, municipal solid waste, and forestry.
This report explains the concept of integrated risk management, a strategic and proactive approach to anticipating, assessing and managing natural events. By analysing the main risks and investing in prevention and mitigation, societies become less vulnerable. Financial, social and environmental damage and rehabilitation and reconstruction costs are reduced.
This policy note analyses current European agrofuel policies in terms of their effects on nature and poverty. It argues that agrofuels are exacerbating climate change and that their development is infringing on the land rights of the poor, thus exacerbating poverty. Agrofuels are infringing on the intrinsic existence right of nature, as well as on the right of the poor to sufficient land to produce food.
Most firms that process rubber in Sri Lanka do not comply with national water pollution control standards. This study seeks to estimate a pollution tax that could motivate firms to meet these standards. The authors use data from 62 rubber producing firms in Sri Lanka over three years to estimate a marginal cost function for pollution abatement. They then estimate the taxes that would
Agricultural technologies, unlike many other technologies, have a major impact on human beings and other life forms. This is because of the huge magnitude of this human activity
The electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. The increasing
This document provides information on emerging issues that may affect the future state of the environment. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to issues in preparation for the next state of environment reporting cycle.
This paper presents the supply and demand trends of rice, wheat, total cereals, pulses, edible oil/oilseeds and sugar/sugarcane. It provides the demand and supply projections for food items during 2011, 2021 and 2026. These projections have been based on change in productivity levels, changes in price, growth of population and income growth. A comparison with projections provided by other scholars has also been made in this paper.
This study examines the utilization of iron ore in India. It takes into account the significant reserves of iron ore in India and allays fears that the country's steel industry will run out of iron ore resources if exports continue at the current level. On the contrary,it says that exports are necessary to maintain a structural balance in the market between production and consumption of lumps and fines as nearly 80% of exported ores are fines which are not adequately used in India. This study also highlights the specific problems of the Goa/Radi region.
A group of 53 sanitation and hygiene promotion practitioners met in Bangladesh from 29 to 31 January 2008 to mark the start of the International Year of Sanitation (IYS) by sharing and learning from their peers.
Climate affects the design, construction, safety, operations, and maintenance of transportation infrastructure and systems. The prospect of a changing climate raises critical questions regarding how alterations in temperature, precipitation, storm events, and other aspects of the climate could affect the nation's roads, airports, rail, transit systems, pipelines, ports, and waterways. Phase I of this regional assessment of climate change and its potential impacts on transportation systems addresses these questions for the region of the U.S.
This dossier is located within the context of increasing global discontent and community protest against interventions of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the developing world. It specifically presents a questioning and critique of their operations in tourism.