
Search Results

  • Fighting the superbugs

    Ever since penicillion was discovered in 1928, antibiotics have been regarded as something of a miracle cure. True, they can highly effective against bacteria. But the few microbes that are able to

  • US group seeks animal antibiotics ban

    Health, consumer and environmental groups will ask the Federal Government on Tuesday to stop farmers feeding animals antibiotics that are losing their power to treat infections in people. The US

  • A move to limit use in animal feed

    Faced with mounting evidence that the routine use of antibiotics in livestock may diminish the drugs' power to cure infections in people, the Food and Drug Administration in U.S. has begun a major

  • Bacteria resistant to powerful antibodies are discoverd in chicken feed

    Bacteria that are resistant to the most powerful antibiotics used to treat infections in people have been found in chicken fedd, researchers are reporting, a finding that is likely to fuel concerns

  • Resistant bacteria found in feed

    American researchers have found bacteria in chicken feed that are resistant to the most powerful antibiotics and could pose a health threat to humans. In a letter to the Lancer medical journal on

  • Supergerm busts antibiotic shield

    A supergerm that has proven resistant to one of the most potent antibiotics available has killed a Hong Kong woman, officials said today, raising fears that more such germs could develop as doctors

  • Seminar on use of antibiotics

    International researchers, pharmacologists, microbiologists and representatives of Non-Government Organisations will discuss the therapy of antibiotic drugs at a three-day global symposium on

  • Antibiotics may reduce risk of a heart attack

    Certain antibiotics may reduce the risk of heart attack, researchers reported in a study that adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that chronic infections may play a role in artery disease,

  • Drugs linked to lower heart disease risk

    Certain antibiotics may reduce the risk of heart attack, researchers are reporting in a study that adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that chronic infections may play a role in artery

  • Alarms over antibiotics in food

    When laboratory tests showed that an unidentified Dutch poultry farmer had become infected with the same antibiotics-resistant bacteria as his chickens, alarm bells went off around Europe. As a

  • EU studies limiting antibiotics

    The European Commission proposed banning four antibiotics from animal feed because of fears they could cause the buildup of resistance in humans. A spokesman for the European Union's executive body

  • More data needed on animal antibiotics

    US trade groups and scientists have called for more research into the links between antibiotics in animal feed and the increase in human susceptibility to drug-resistant bacteria. The Animal Health

  • Hospital germ sparks probe

    The Australian Health Minister, Mr Rob Knowles, has ordered an investigation into allegations that three patients acquired the antibiotic-resistant germ VRE because of a breach of infection control

  • EU antibiotics curbs to be accelerated

    The European Commission is to bring forward proposals for restricting the use of some antibiotics in animal feed amid fears that human health is being endangered. However, Franz Fischler, the farm

  • Hospital war on super-germ

    Melbourne was experiencing the outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant germ, health authorities warned yesterday, and they urged hospitals to take immediate steps to try to halt the spread of the

  • Antibiotic use in food animals contributes to microbe resistance

    Bacteria that resist antibiotics can be passed from food animals to humans, but not enough is known to determine the public health risks posed by such transmission, says a new report by a committee

  • EC taxes Indian drug imports

    European Commission (EC) is imposing financial penalties on Indian firms who export antibiotics to Europe. The move follows claims by native drug makers that the imports, which are heavily subsidised

  • Vaccine stockpiling for civilians to be ordered

    President Bill Clinton has decided to order the stockpiling of vaccines and antibiotics to treat huge numbers of civilians in the event of an attack against the United States with biological weapons,

  • Microbial aid

    A bacterial strain found in Assam could help reduce the cost of some antibiotics. Scientists at the Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat, and the Indian Institure of Chemical Biology, Calcutta, have

  • - Antibiotics 'aid food poisoning'

    Intensive livestock production and excessive use of antibiotics have contributed to a rise in food poisoning, the Meat and Livestock Commission of UK

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