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  • New material

    New material

    Polymer or a semiconductor

  • Snippets

    • Cycle Chem Inc will spend more than half a million dollars to correct hazardous waste violations and upgrade equipment at their hazardous waste facility in Elizabeth, New Jersey, usA. The

  • Hybrid cars take over

    Hybrid cars take over

    Toyota has announced that in future, 100 per cent of the manufacturer's new vehicles will be hybrids, running on both electricity and traditional fuels. Japan's largest and the world's second-largest

  • Web Exclusive Pak issues norms to address health risks from mobile phone base stations

    Pakistan's minister of information technology Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari recently announced a policy establishing national guidelines for mitigating environmental and health related effects of cellular

  • Un dammed opposition

    The us $1.2 billion Merowe/Hamadab dam on river Nile in Sudan, the largest hydropower project being developed in Africa, is being opposed by environmentalists. The 1,250-megawatt dam, to be

  • Development is not a road

    Reportedly, bjp senior leader Arun Jaitley has contemptuously labelled Digvijay Singh s Madhya Pradesh government as ngo style . Why? Because it spends more on social deve lopment education

  • Land Acquisition Bill opposed

    The Himalayan Policy Campaign Committee, an umbrella organisation of various environmental groups, voluntary organisations and NGOs based in the Himalayan region has requested the Lok Sabha Standing Committee on Rural development to defer the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007 and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill, 2007. The committee while giving certain suggestions to be incorporated in the Bills has demanded that specialist NGOs and peoples groups on environmental issues should also be consulted. The governing body of the HPCC in a representation to the Chairman of Standing Committee Mr. Kalyan Singh has demanded that the Land Acquisition Act should be repealed since it leads to a disruption in the eco-systems. And when the ecosystems are damaged, destroyed or altered, it affects not only the communities and their livelihoods in the immediate vicinity but also downstream communities. Corporate rights The HPCC while raising the issue of corporate rights versus community rights said the later should be given preference since it is the community which was dependent on the natural resources and has natural rights on them from the time immemorial. Increasingly governments around the world are treating the notion of objectives of corporations as equal to national interest. This is grossly incorrect, says the HPCC. Any project that is decided on the merit of profit cannot be in national interest but in the interest of shareholders of a corporation. Therefore, national interest should be restricted to only security concerns, demanded the NGO. The HPCC is objecting to rampant construction of hydro electric projects in Himachal Pradesh and other hill States from a long time now.

  • Govt urged not to allow open pit coal mining

    The National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Electricity and Port yesterday called on the government not to allow open pit coal mining in Phulbari, saying that it would lead to environmental disasters in the area. Such a project would lead to the eviction of 4.7 lakh people from four upazilas and cause the groundwater level to go further down, the committee leaders said at a press conference at Dinajpur Press Club. The government should also review the draft coal policy and maintain neutrality regarding the Phulbari coalmine issue, they added. The leaders said that according to the proposal of the Asia Energy, it would extract coal for 30 years through open pit method and export two-thirds of coal. Extraction of coal through open pit mining would cause massive damage to agriculture and the environment and threaten the livelihoods of local people, they said. The leaders also said any agreements on open pit mining would go against the interest of the country. Prof Anu Muhammad, member secretary of the committee, said the open pit method would cause more damage to ecology than the extent of economic benefit from the coalmine if the draft coal policy is not reviewed. Open pit method is not suitable for densely populated countries like Bangladesh, he added. Dr Sheikh Mohammad Shahidullah and Prof Samsul Alam also spoke at the press conference.

  • Winrock International

    Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources.

  • Renewable Energy

    Renewable Energy

    <p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Renewable Energy</strong></span></p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 2px; border-style: solid;" /></p> <p>The major energy resource base in Nepal consists of biomass, hydroelectricity, petroleum products, natural gas, and coal reserves. Among the entire energy resource base, it is evident that biomass is the dominant resource base of the country with respect to its utilization. Biomass provided 86% of the total energy consumption, petroleum 9%, which is mainly consumed by urban areas, electricity only 2% and renewable 1% of the total energy consumption.</p>

  • Conference on ‘Green Norms for Green Energy’

    <p style="line-height: 20px; margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(65, 65, 65); background-color: rgb(251,

  • People who own cars make life unpleasant

    <font class='UCASE'>John Whitelegg</font> of the School of Built Environment at Liverpool s John Moores University spoke to <font class='UCASE'>Anish Gupta </font> about Calcutta s transport problems and about why its salvation lies in improving the tra

  • On the horns of Ahe rhino

    CITES is a weapon which can be used only by the armchair rich against the oiling poor

  • Regaining a paradise

    Regaining a paradise

    Involvement of locals in the management of natural resources has earned remarkable dividends for the Doon valley

  • No monkey business, this

    No monkey business, this

    Monkeys are more knowledgeable than humans about the medicinal value ofplants

  • On the comeback trail

    On the comeback trail

    The scientific community is trying hard to combat communicable diseases which have made a comeback

  • Undersea explorer

    Undersea explorer

    A submarine tractor will help scientists understand the seabed

  • "We are starved of funds"

    KALYAN BANERJEE, director of the National Institute of Virology NIV in Pune, speaks to MAX MARTIN about the emergence and re emergence of viral diseases in India. Banerjee warns that the hantavirus, one of the most lethal killers discovered till date, m

  • Caught in a crossfire

    Caught in a crossfire

    A proposed power generation project in Laos has become the target of environmentalists ire

  • No charity at home

    No charity at home

    Is the individual s attempt at environmental awareness limited mostly to sermonising about big issues?

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