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  • Better late than never

    Better late than never

    At last the Gujarat government has announced a cash award for those educating the masses about the need for planting trees and taking care of them. The award carries a sum of Rs 70,000. To be

  • Save them!

    The dying art of the Santhal craftsman miniature Chadar Badar wooden puppets, tucked into their thatched roof in Dumka, Bihar, caught the eye of photojournalist and filmmaker Ravi Kant Dwivedi. In

  • The rural experiment

    The rural experiment

    FOR an urban Indian centre of the mid '90s, the chief interest of the film The Village Republic lies in the excitement at the variety of experiments by villagers to control their resources. The film

  • Editor's Page

    If India wants to promote the spirit of making donations and encourage its infant NGO sector, it, too, will have to adopt tax laws that encourage donations

  • Development pangs

    AMONG the wide variety of contemporary critical theorists, environmentalists have, in various ways, questioned the continued viability of the human-nature relationship over the last 400 years. We are

  • Whither liberalisation

    Whither liberalisation

    The post GATT liberalisation era has come to India not only with its enchanting platter of economic efficiency, technological treasure trough and fairy tale promises of 'globalisation' but it has also raised some significant questions regarding its viab

  • "The West now understands that waste can be a resource"

    Sweden's UNO WINBLAD was not a sanitation engineer but had trained as an architect in London in the late '50s. Those were the days of mounting concern with the "dark continent of Africa, and UNO later took up assignments in Ethiopia and Nigeria. While

  • Scribe drive

    Scribe drive

    In the world of journalism, little attention is ever paid to rural areas where almost 80 per cent of India's population resides. But now a Hindi daily published from Daltonganj, Palamau, in

    • 14/01/1996

  • By God, it`s Tipler!

    By God, it's Tipler!

    "GOD is dead", had asserted Nietzsche, proclaiming the arrival of the age of rationality. It is true that for most people, "God" is the antidote to the fear of the unknown, a concept that

  • Living life lightly

    Six years ago, Bill Mckibben wrote The End of Nature and became the most prominent literary environmentalist. But writing this book depressed him, and he decided to look more optimistically at the

  • Animal wrongs

    A new wave of books against animal rights movements are appearing on the stands. Take Gary L Francione's boodk Animals, Property and the Law. He argues that laws framed for animal welfare, hardly has

  • Aiding agenda

    The, availability of easy foreign money has made it convenient to continue with business as usual with expensive, economically inappropriate, and socially unjust ways of doing things

  • Living with floods

    Living with floods

    THE book Rivers of life is a result of an exhaustive study based on assessments of existing flood control works in Bangladesh, of related documents, interviews with flood-affected people and

  • Weather bothers...

    Weather bothers...

    ... was a small time occupation of the eccentric scientist just 20 years ago

  • New raj wars the old

    New raj wars the old

    Its high time the panchayati raj institutions in India reviewed their actual role in spelling out developmental processes

  • A mess in the South

    THE Nigerian government's going ahead with the prosecution (read persecution) of 19 more of Ogoni leader Ken Saro-Wiwa's comrades has kept the world's focus sharply glued to the African nightmare.

  • Exercise in non performance

    Union minister of commerce P Chidambaram's statement Raiva Sabha, that a multi- disciplinary committee has been up'by the government to prepare a regulatory framework implementing the biodiversity

  • When minds meet

    IF THERE is One striking feature about the intellectual landscape today, it is the increasing importance of science as opposed to literature or philosophy. Scientists are at the centrestage of

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