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  • The house that Digvijay built

    The house that Digvijay built

    Governments and the masses have very rarely worked together successfully in modern India. In Madhya Pradesh, chief minister Digvijay Singh has managed to do that. The state government's watershed management programme in the district of Jhabua has m

  • Cancun must not repeat Copenhagen

    <p>Developing countries must guard against a repeat of the situation at Copenhagen, where negotiations under the UNFCCC were deliberately stalled, and Heads of State/Ministers from developing countries were pressured to agree to &ldquo;something&rdquo; to save the climate regime from collapse.

  • Small Hydro Power: A tradeoff between local economic development (if and when it happens) and environmental Impact. Who defines the limits for the latter?

    <p style="margin-bottom: -4em;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="370px" scrolling="no" src="/files/re/home/demo/reportal.htm" width="540px"></iframe><br>Access to Energy and its linkages with poverty alleviation

  • South flays North`s `green GATT` proposal

    South flays North's 'green GATT' proposal

    At a recent meeting, Northern environmentalists insisted on GATT taking a tougher stand on environmental issues. The South, however, maintained this would not solve the problem.

  • Caught in a trap

    Caught in a trap

    World’s poorest nations can’t have the much needed investment for growth

  • Blind to rain

    Gujarat s minister for major irrigation projects needs to understand that big dams alone do not add up to water management

  • IMF package leads Pakistan to disaster

    IMF package leads Pakistan to disaster

    A short term economic policy has meant more unemployment and poverty as well as a slower growth rate and environmental degradation

  • World Bank`s friendship with corporate sector

    World Bank's friendship with corporate sector

    Every year, the World Bank channels about US $18-20 billion to developing countries in the form of loans and grants with the ostensible aim of reducing poverty and promoting economic growth. The bank

  • Nepal

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="210px"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="#363636" colspan="2" height="26px" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 14px; padding-left:5px;"> Editor&#39;s Pick</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="380" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" src="" style="border-width:0px; border-color:#333; background:#FFF; border-style:solid;" width="555"></iframe></p> <hr /> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="210px"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="#363636" colspan="2" height="26px" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 14px; padding-left:5px;"> Country Overview</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><object align="right" height="248" hspace="1" vspace="1" width="330"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="opaque" /><param name="scale" value="showall" /><param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&amp;lang=en-us&amp;page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2Fcsepictures%2Ftags%2Fnepal%2Fshow%2F&amp;page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2Fcsepictures%2Ftags%2Fnepal%2F&amp;user_id=40105063@N03&amp;tags=nepal&amp;jump_to=&amp;start_index=" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed flashvars="offsite=true&amp;lang=en-us&amp;page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2Fcsepictures%2Ftags%2Fnepal%2Fshow%2F&amp;page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2Fcsepictures%2Ftags%2Fnepal%2F&amp;user_id=40105063@N03&amp;tags=nepal&amp;jump_to=&amp;start_index=" height="248" hspace="1" quality="high" scale="showall" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" vspace="1" width="330" wmode="opaque"></embed></object></p> <p>Renowned for its majestic Himalayas, Nepal is rich in its geographic, natural, and cultural diversity. Nepal is divided into three broad geographic areas: the mountain region, the hill region, and the Terai region. Moving from east to west, the three regions lie parallel as continuous ecological belts, and are bisected by the country&rsquo;s river system. Nepal is a relatively small country, measuring roughly 650 kilometers long by 200 kilometers wide, with a total land mass of 147,181 square kilometers. Situated between two Asian giants &ndash; China and India &ndash; Nepal has been characterized as a &ldquo;yam caught between two rocks&rdquo;. Since it is a landlocked country, Nepal is heavily dependent on India for transit facilities and access to the sea (Bay of Bengal) for delivery of its goods, even those coming from China.</p>

  • Journey into the market place

    Journey into the market-place

    Papua New Guinea has come a long way from a society that began cultivating crops in 8000 BC and had no need for a market economy. It came in touch with the outside world just about 100 years ago. Today, it exports minerals and imports food. The people com

  • Kerosene slips through greasy palms

    Kerosene slips through greasy palms

    Authorities tread on slippery ground trying to resolve the fuel crisis in Mysore

  • Unemployment as a global economic malady

    Unemployment is a common global economic malady, the level of which distintly varies between developed and under developed nations with Keynesian involuntary and frictional type in respect of developed nation and structural type as regard to under developed country like India which contributes to maximum growth of population and insignificant economic growth. Under employment or disguised employment has intensified its dimensions mainly in the rural sector where despite having capacity and willingness, persons fail to avail any gainful activities and as such job seekers out-number the job availability creating a major wastage of manpower. Unemployment in our country is partly due to overwhelming growth of population which has occurred in view of immigration from earstwhile East Pakistan and partially due to non-availability of land, less productivity, lack of industrial infrastructure, haphazard growth of educational institutions and expansion of education which is responsible for cropping up of new entrants in an already over crowded labour market. Agriculture being a seasonal activity fails to provide employment to rural masses throughout the year while perennial activity is not available in reality owing to excessive pressure of population. Exodus from rural areas coupled with slow pace of industrialisation has proved to be a constrain in providing employment opportunity to the growing urban population. Rapid expansion of general education mingted with slow growth of technical and vocational facilities has resulted in a peculiar educated unemployment problem. Accurate estimation of unemployment has become a tough task in view of ever increasing unemployment and under employment and failures of employment exchanges in recording correct figures. While unemployment in this State as a percentage of labour force has become double as compared to the country within 1985-2000 as per NSSO report, it is estimated to be 10.9% of total labour force with a total of 13 lakh (71%) registered educated job seekers, HSLC passed (51%) out-numbered HSSLC passed (30%) and graduates (16%) while technical and post graduate job seekers constitute a very minimal (3%) percentage. Placement of job seekers increased to 16% in between 2004 and 2005 constituting minimal (0.5%) increase in public sector and 9.3% increase in private sector with nearly 31% women employment in organised sector. Rural and women unemployment has become three times to all-India rate having acute unemployment among educated. Most of the self employed or partially employed youth bother a little to inform the employment exchange about their absorption which is also responsible for non-capturing of accurate employment situation. According to the NSSO report, the number of unemployed in this State is 18 and 24 per 1000 respectively in rural and urban area as against only 9 and 19 respectively in national level indicating a greater dimension of the problem in this State. According to the task force, the rate of unemployment in this State increased from 7.96 in 1993-94 to 8 per cent in 1999-2000 which is quite high compared to all India (nearly 7%), 2.93% of Himachal Pradesh and 3.06% of Rajasthan. Youths in this State are mostly interested in Government jobs in lieu of self employment or employment in private venture, which has enhanced the demand for jobs leading to major corruption in the recruitment policy. Ban on creation of posts and restriction on filling up vacancies has created mounting unemployment problem resulting in a grave political, economic and social disorder. Despite shooting up of GDP, employment growth in the State declined significantly within 15 years in agriculture. The call of the hour is to generate job opportunities through filling up vacancies considering intellectual achievement. It is necessary to locate certain sectors where unemployed youths can be accommodated suitably leaving aside Govt assignment. According to a study, the employment elasticity of various sectors varied significantly with primary sector of elasticity 0.74, manufacturing sector 0.19, trade and commerce 0.37 with overall average of 0.45. ILO having its goal of promoting opportunities for both the sex and ensuring security, freedom and dignity depicted persistent unemployment and dismal scenario of the world's employment situation in its

  • Don't make the world dysfunctional

    It is interesting how the coalitions of the willing and the wanting shift in this world. When it comes to negotiations on ecological globalisation conventions from climate change to biodiversity

  • Genesis of a crisis

    WHEN Meghnaad, brother of King Ravana of Lanka, grievously injured Lakshman, brother of Lord Rama, Hanuman was sent to Gandhamardan Parvat to fetch the Mritasanjeevani Sudha, a life-saving herb.

  • Mean model

    Mean model

    The modalities of the model much acclaimed Kerala Model cannot survive long on self denial

  • No way out

    No way out

    Officials are now promoting a new paradigm for flood control. They are pushing for a huge dam in Nepal. Does it provide scope for further corruption?

  • DDA strikes again

    DDA strikes again

    Target: the Yamuna riverbedWeapon: Zonal Development Plan

  • Small Hydro Power: A tradeoff between local economic development (if and when it happens) and environmental Impact. Who defines the limits for the latter?

    <br> Abhinav Goyal <hr /> <p>Access to Energy and its linkages with poverty alleviation are well established and much talked about around the globe, especially in the developing world. On a recent visit

  • Every cow pat counts

    Every cow pat counts

    Even the lowly cow pat has ownership rules in rural India. But rights over dung, an important source of energy and soil fertilisation, vary from community to community

  • Washed, clean and green

    Washed, clean and green

    The Vankars of Gujarat have reclaimed saline wastelands in Gujarat after 9 years of bloody struggle

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