
Peace And Disarmament

  • US has spent 5.5 pound trillion on nukes

    While the United States has condemned India for conducting nuclear tests, a new book has estimated that Washington has spent over 5.5 pound trillion on its own nuclar arsenal. The study, titled

    • 26/06/1998

  • India may get World bank aid despite nuclear tests

    The World Bank could resume lending to India this week despite sancitons imposed after the country joined the nuclear club, monetary sources have said. They said the bank's board was tentatively

    • 26/06/1998

  • A telltale trace of Iraqi gas

    United Nations weapons inspectors have uncovered evidence that Iraq put deadly VX nerve gas into missile warheads before the 1991 Gulf War, contradicting claims by the Iraqi government that it was

    • 24/06/1998

  • What's the truth about tailwind?

    It is a shocking tale-if true. In September 1970, as the Vietnam War raged on, a team of 16 commandos was sent to Laos on a secret mission. They were ordered to find and kill U.S. defectors, fellow

  • Govt plays down uranium smuggling

    Central officials today sought to minimise the significance of the arrest of three men accused of trying to smuggle one kg uranium to Pakistan. West Bengal police had said on Tuesday that they had

  • Doomsday Clock set closer to midnight

    The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists set its Doomsday Clock five minutes closer to midnight on Thursday, citing the world's increased peril in light of nuclear tests by India, Pakistan and the

    • 13/06/1998

  • Mandatory quality control on bottled water proposed

    The proposal to bring bottled or packaged drinking water under mandatory quality control and within the purview of the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) is still hanging fire with the Union

  • Germany, Russia sign pacts on nuclear trade

    Germany and Russia signed two agreements on trade in nuclear materials on Monday, the German Foreign Ministry said. The first and more controversial allows Russia to ship weapons-grade, highly

    • 10/06/1998

  • 'Pak has two more nuclear missilies'

    The leader of the team of scientists that conducted Pakistan's nuclear tests last week said the country has two more nuclear-capable missiles, one of which is "ready for testing at an hour's

  • Nuclear tests

    Sharif to unveil national agenda on June 10 :Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said he would unveil a "national agenda" on Wednesday to meet the situation arising out of the nuclear tests

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