First food: business of taste
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
The revival of a historic road should ordinarily not attract the wrath of conservationists. But in Jammu and Kashmir it did. The state government's decision to upgrade the almost five century-old
ANOTHER power project has caught the eye of the greens. This time, it is the us power giant Cogentrix's plans to set up a 1,000 mw plant in the forests of the Western Ghats near Mangalore
The Central government's recent announcement that an action plan has been formulated to safeguard the pristine forests in the north-east -- in collaboration with the states of the region -- has not
But Indian communities may lose out due to lack of official preparedness
Energy insecurity is India s latest tryst with her post liberalised destiny. It began in July 2006. Crude oil prices rose to all time peak, at US $79 a barrel. In India, retail prices of petrol and diesel rose, respectively, 59.6 per cent and 78.8 per cen
Global automakers have topped the charts but with products that would fail the green test in their own countries
PROMISCUOUSLY cohabiting gene pools were on the verge of ensuring that tigers would never be the same again; what saved the day was the Central Zoo Authority's (CZA) new scientific action plan
THE men in uniform have found a n& vocation: that of taking care of the environment. The army unit stationed at Madras - in their bid to green the city - is setting up a 'zodiacal park' at the
A division bench of the Supreme Court issued notices to about 8,712 industries in 28 industrial areas of Delhi which have not set up common effluent treatment plants. They now face the threat of
Rice the staple food of 65 per cent of India s population is in for a revolution. An Indian firm has developed a technique to develop genetically modified GM hybrids of the crop. If the method is given a green signal by the officials, then rice may