Nigeria annual flood outlook 2024
The 2024 Flood Outlook report offers a comprehensive assessment of flood risk across the country, highlighting critical areas of concern and strategic recommendations for mitigation and preparedness. Through
The 2024 Flood Outlook report offers a comprehensive assessment of flood risk across the country, highlighting critical areas of concern and strategic recommendations for mitigation and preparedness. Through
Warming of the seas is rerouting monsoon THE monsoon winds are avoiding India for one-third of the months of July and August and taking a route south of its peninsula. This is because the winds have found a highly attractive low pressure region in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean near the equator. According to a study, warming of the sea surface in this region is happening at a faster
We present a local, self-sustaining, natural and economic
Reliable medium range prediction of monsoon weather is crucial for disaster preparedness. Weather in tropics, controlled by fast growing convective instabilities is, however, intrinsically less predictable than that in extra?tropics.
The impact of climate change on the lives and livelihoods of people in India is now widely recognised. Yet, there is neither a consensus on the definition of vulnerability to climate change nor a full, regionally-nuanced mapping of the variable impact of such a change.
Fundamental to the onset of the Indian Summer Monsoon is the land-sea thermal gradient from the Indian Ocean to the Himalayas-Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The timing of the onset is strongly controlled by the meridional tropospheric temperature gradient due to the rapid pre-monsoon heating of the HTP compared to the relatively cooler Indian Ocean.
Major climatic changes due to global warming would lead to disturbed rainfall patterns in the country, an eminent environmentalist said on Sunday. "The rise in global warming will lead to major changes in rainfall patterns. In essence rainfall will decrease and become more erratic, said RK Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Without forests to pump moisture around the planet, would the continents turn to desert? A new theory suggests they might.
The question of how to assess trends in rainfall data is very relevant to that of climate change. A short review of prior work revealed that there was little consensus on the methodology to be adopted. Many methods had been tried and abandoned.
Climate change is a global issue which is of concern to the entire international community. In view of the rapid increases in urbanization that have occurred in countries of Asia, including Thailand, over the past several decades, the impacts of climate change are starting to occur and are expected to be especially serious in the not too distant future.