Transforming India’s approach to cancer care
In India, a country with a vast population and a diverse socio-economic fabric, healthcare remains fraught with challenges including disparities in access. These socio-economic disparities are deep, and
In India, a country with a vast population and a diverse socio-economic fabric, healthcare remains fraught with challenges including disparities in access. These socio-economic disparities are deep, and
Two new ways for speedy and painless cancer treatment
Given the Indians' poor economic and nutritional conditions, it is very important that we try to optimally prevent cancer than create conditions that lead to an epidemic and then demand expensive curative facilities
RESEARCHERS in theus areexcited abouta recent breakthrough which links the BRCA-1 gene to most cases of breast cancer. The finding provides clin- ching evidence that establishes a connection
US activists demand a say in the government's modus operandi in using funds for breast cancer research
EDWARD A Neuwclt and his colleagues at the Oregon 1-iealth Sciences University in Portland have recorded success in transporting potentially therapeutic viruses into the grey matter of rats -
Incredible though it may seem, it is being claimed that cancer and multiple sclerosis, the two deadly diseases that have often eluded cure, can be successfully treated with Rasayan Shastra or metal therapy. But to the practitioner of modem medicihe,
Them am no short cub to ayurvedic Prelparations
Despite its detractors, metal therapy evidently enjoys the confidence of some satisfied users
Indian traditional medicine and practices experimented with immortality