

  • Cancer wake-up call in Punjab

    In 2009, a government survey had counted 7,738 people living with cancer across Punjab. Now that a fresh survey has counted 23,874, over three times as high, the government has acknowledged the need to identify the causes and tackle what is clearly a menace. "Fresh studies will have to be undertaken, especially for areas where cancer incidence is high," says Health Minister Madan Mohan Mittal. The nearly 24,000 cases detected was in addition to over 33,000 deaths from cancer-related causes in the last five years — around 18 a day — and 84,453 people who showed cancer-like symptoms but who hadn't yet been diagnosed with the disease.

  • U.S. fears over compulsory licence for anti-cancer drug allayed

    Issuing licence is totally compliant with multilateral agreements: Sharma India, on Wednesday, conveyed to the U.S. that it had not violated any multilateral trade agreement by issuing compulsory licence for Bayer’s patented anti-cancer drug Nexavar to a local firm so as to make it affordable. It also asserted that such a move should not be seen as routine by the U.S. The message was conveyed by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma to U.S. Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and Environment Rober Hormats, who raised concerns over the matter during a meeting here, according to an official.

  • In UK, cancer becoming the biggest health risk

    London: Cancer has become Britain’s greatest health risk, with an average British boy born in 2010 running a 44% chance of being diagnosed with any form of cancer during his lifetime. The risk for a baby girl is slightly lower at 40%. A landmark report brought out by Cancer Research UK and the National Cancer Intelligence Network on Tuesday has found that British men are at significantly greater risk of both developing and dying from nearly all of the common cancers that occur in both sexes (with the exception of breast cancer).

  • Those with cancer symptoms to be examined

    Cancer patients and those identified with cancer symptoms will undergo a check-up in the next four months so that treatment, where desired, can be started immediately. The Health Department has identified

  • Cancer on the rise in Meghalaya

    SHILLONG: People’s lifestyle has always been a factor in one’s health and this is true in Shillong too. With the rise in what doctors consider unhealthy life style the death rates too are rising. In the last 5–6 years Meghalaya has seen a huge rise in Cancer rates in the state with 1038 cancer cases being registered in Civil Hospital Shillong alone. Addressing this issue, a Specialist from the Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. Judita Syiemlieh informed that in recent years especially in 2009 and 2012 there was a huge rise in the numbers of cancer cases being reported only in Civil hospital Shillong. She added that the number would be many fold if we take into account the cases that go to other states of the country for treatment.

  • 18 die of cancer in Punjab everyday

    33,318 deaths reported in last five years, says first state-wide survey The first ever state-wide survey of cancer victims in Punjab has revealed high incidence of cancer in the Malwa belt, even as the cancer cases in the state are only a little more than the national average. The survey has also reported average cancer prevalence of 216 cases per lakh population and suspected cancer cases of 319 per lakh population. If these two figures are taken into account, it seems a large number of cancer cases have been going undetected till now and that cancer incidence figures in Punjab could be much more than have been reported even in this survey. This was confirmed by Secretary, Health Vini Mahajan.

  • Punjab’s cancer rate higher than nation’s

    Chandigarh: At 90 cancer patients for every one lakh population, Punjab has a higher cancer rate than the country’s. The Malwa region in that state has the highest average of 136 cancer patients per 1 lakh people, according to a Punjab government study released on Monday. The national average is 80 cancer cases per lakh population. Data over the past five years show that on an average, 18 people die of cancer each day. There are 23,874 cancer patients in Punjab with 33,318 cancer-related deaths in last five years.

  • Cancer cases on the rise in Punjab, govt says 33,000 died in last 5 years

    Confirming Punjab government's worst fears, a door-to-door survey of the health department — covering almost 98 per cent of the state's population — has found that the incidence of cancer is higher than national and international average. When compared to World Health Organisartion's point of reference — 80 affected among a population of one lakh — Punjab's survey discovered that 90 in a population of one lakh were suffering from cancer.

  • Cancer census records 33,318 deaths in Punjab

    The survey covered 97.78 per cent of the population In a one-of-its-kind census conducted by Punjab’s Health & Family Welfare Ministry in coordination with the World Health Organisation, major medical institutions, non-government organisations and social activists it has been revealed that while 33,318 people died of cancer in the past five years, another 23,874 are still afflicted with the disease. The details of the “State-wide cancer awareness and symptom-based early detection door-to-door campaign” were released by Punjab Health Minister Madan Mohan Mittal here on Monday.

  • Vitamin pills no antidote to heart disease: Study

    New Delhi: Here’s a word of caution for those who pop vitamin pills with or without doctor’s advice. The pills, often prescribed as a dietary supplement, have been found to play no role in preventing heart risk in an international study published in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Its efficacy in making up for lack of nutritions, in case of unhealthy eating habits, has also come under question. The multivitamin market in India is estimated to be valued at Rs 3,000 crore. Experts say it mainly targets urban consumers, who are becoming increasingly aware of health issues and take these pills to beat their stressful lifestyle, pollution and digestive complaints. Many people take them to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer.

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