

  • REC, Damodar Valley in talks for coal mines abroad

    Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) and Damodar Valley Corporation may come together to form a joint venture for buying coal mines abroad, a senior company executive from the state-owned power sector lender said today. "We have got a proposal from DVC for a joint venture to buy coal mines abroad. It is at a very preliminary stage and hence it will be premature to say anything," the executive said.

  • Sierra Club Threatens Suits Over Coal Power Plants

    The Sierra Club sent letters Tuesday threatening to file suit to stop construction of eight coal-fired power plants in six states because, the environmental group claims, they violate the Clean Air Act. "This is the first major ramification on the ground from the (Washington) D.C. circuit kicking out the Bush administration's rules in February," said Bruce Nilles, director of the Sierra Club's effort to stop coal power plants.

  • Environmentalists Divided About Burying CO2

    Greenpeace and more than 100 other environmental groups denounced projects for burying industrial greenhouse gases on Monday, exposing splits in the green movement about whether such schemes can slow global warming. Many governments and some environmental organisations such as the WWF want companies to capture heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the exhausts of power plants and factories and then entomb them in porous rocks as one way to curb climate change. But Greenpeace issued a 44-page report about the technology entitled "False Hope".

  • Controversial coal handling activities begin

    The commencement of the controversial coal handling activities in Port town after nearly a gap of two-and-half months on Wednesday, has prompted the Mormugao Bachao Abhiyan (MBA) to submit a memorandum to Mormugao Port Trust (MPT), to stop activities at Berth No 10 and 11 immediately, if not would be forced to commence a peaceful agitation.

  • Bagrodia clears confusion over new coal distribution policy

    The new Union minister of state for coal, Santosh Bagrodia, did a U-turn on Saturday to clarify that the government does not want to overhaul the new coal distribution policy now being rolled out. "The new policy is a well framed policy and we will work under the broad guidelines of it,' Bagrodia said. On Friday, at his first interaction with a city chamber and the media, Bagrodia had made some statements implying that the policy, launched in October 2007, would be turned on its head.

  • Take swift decision on coal mining, gas exploration

    The business people in the port city on Wednesday urged the government to be aggressive in taking decision on coal mining and gas exploration to help rapid industrialisation and accelerate economic growth. Addressing a reception accorded to the newly elected office bearers of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI), they also expressed their continued support for sustaining the business-friendly atmosphere the country achieved after January 11, 2007.

  • R-Power to buy more coal mines in Indonesia

    Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group's (ADAG) flagship company Reliance Power, which recently acquired three coal assets with coal reserves of about 2 billion tonnes in the Musi Rawas region of South Sumathra in Indonesia, is close to acquiring more coal mines in the same region. POWER FUEL # Reliance to buy the mines with reserves of 2 billion tonnes on a risk-free production-linked model # Since the mines are located in the South Sumatra region which is closer to India's east coast, shipping time will be cut down by two days

  • Bangladesh Urged To Tap Coal Before Gas Runs Out

    Experts from home and abroad asked Bangladesh on Wednesday to mine its huge coal reserves before its fast depleting natural gas reserves run out. They however urged the country to tap the resource carefully to avoid human tragedies associated with coal mining. The heavily populated Asian country faces a serious energy crisis, with lack of gas to produce electricity. The crisis is set to worsen by 2011 when its gas reserves could run out and attention is increasingly turning to its vast coal resource.

  • Resettlement and rehabilitation policy of Coal India Ltd 2008

    The purpose of this statement is to set out the basic principles for the resettlement and rehabilitation of people affected by coal mining projects (PAPs).

  • Australia launches CCS project

    Australia has launched its first carbon capture and storage (ccs) project. Touted as the deepest geological storage of CO2, the project will capture and compress about 100,000 tonnes of CO2 and

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