To save the planet, first save elephants
Wiping out all of Africa’s elephants could accelerate Earth’s climate crisis by allowing 7% more damaging greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, scientists say. But conserving forest elephants may reverse
Wiping out all of Africa’s elephants could accelerate Earth’s climate crisis by allowing 7% more damaging greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, scientists say. But conserving forest elephants may reverse
What's the secret of Navbharat-151's success?<br> <br> This is designed as a shorter-duration variety (140 days) as against 180 days to facilitate the <i>rabi</i> crop. Because it originates from the best local selections, it suits local conditions well. Besides, this is a long-staple variety and has potential yield of 5,500 kg per hectare. <br>
New study offers strong support for a link
India still without a plan to investigate the 2004 tsunami
A new study says that river linking will affect monsoons in the country
New liquefying technique works for high grade coal,
Can render ineffective the only antimalarial medicine against Plasmodium falci
Enter super broccoli
<font class="UCASE">signatures</font> of the past, embedded deep inside polar ice, reveal that the current levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (<font class="UCASE">co</font><sub>2</sub>) and methane, are the highest over the last 650,000 years.<br>
<font class="UCASE"><br><br> scientists</font> at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (<font class="UCASE">nist</font>) in the <font class="UCASE">us</font> have created a new material that can store up to 10 per cent of its weight in hydrogen, taking hydrogen fuel cells closer to reality. Automobiles run on hydrogen is one of the potential applications of emerging fuel cell technology.<br>
<font class="UCASE">a project </font> to develop peas with pest-resistance induced through genetic changes has been given up after tests on mice showed allergic lung damage. <br>