
Water Resources

  • Drought forces out Spain's underwater church

    Barcelona: Perhaps the most striking image of Spain's drought, so severe it has forced Barcelona to ship in water, has been that of the underwater church which emerged from a drying dam. For most of the past four decades, all that has been visible of the village of Sant Roma has been the belltower of its stone church, peeping above the water beside forested hills from a valley flooded in the 1960s to provide water for the Catalonia region.

  • On tap in space: Urine will not go to waste

    Astronauts living on the International Space Station soon will take recycling to new extremes: They'll get some of their drinking water from the toilet. NASA has spent decades perfecting a system to transform urine into water that can be used in space for drinking, food preparation and washing. Agency officials say the water from the system will be cleaner than U.S. tap water.

  • Water crisis aggravates in port city

    Mainul Haq, a senior executive of a shipping company, requires water supply at least thrice a day to carry his daily household work and other needs of a four-member family at his Agrabad CDA Colony residence. Instead, he gets water twice a day and sometimes once, and this poor supply for the last few weeks put him in deep trouble and hassle. And he often found at a loss how to cope with the ever-compounding crisis.

  • State fresh water lakes in national conservation list

    A scientific team from Ministry of Forest and Environment will conduct a study tour of the lakes of Sikkim later this month to prepare wetland conservation protection action plan. Scientists from Ministry of Forest and Environment are scheduled to arrive in Sikkim on May 24 to visit the lakes and for preparation of wetland conservation action plan, said C.Lachungpa, Conservator of Forests, State Forest Department.

  • Do water related issues really matter in Parliament?

    Parliament, the highest legislative body in India, plays a significant role in formulating national policies. It is, therefore, pertinent to find the

  • Fall in groundwater level, power outages blamed

    Frequent power outages and sharp fall in the groundwater level have aggravated water crisis in the Khulna city. The Khulna City Corporation can presently supply only 1.5 crore to 1.75 crore gallons of water per day against the demand for 3 crore gallons. Sources in the corporation said they had 72 wells, 2,825 deep tube wells and 5,942 shallow tube wells and 15,000 water connections in the city. Besides, some households in the city use shallow and deep tube-wells of their own, they added.

  • New sites proposed for airport

    The district authorities have proposed three more sites near Kavali for the proposed airport of Nellore. The new sites were proposed after an expert committee raised some objections over two sites recommended before because of the presence of water bodies. Sources said officials have identified 2,360 acres in north Rajupalem (12 km from Nellore), 1,627 acres in Racharlapadu (23 km from Nellore) and 1,785 acres near Damavaram (30 km from Nellore) in Dagadarthi mandal. Of the three, Damavaram site said to be suitable for the airport since the government owns large tracts of land.

  • Ram Sethu to be a burning issue: VHP

    Accusing the US of having ill-inten tions of damaging India's rich thorium deposits and Union minister for shipping and roads T.R. Baalu of having personal interest in the Sethusamudram project, VHP supremo Ashok Singhal on Monday said, Ramsethu will be the "burning issue" in the coming general elections. He demanded that Centre should apologise to Hindus for its "humiliating affidavit" portraying Lord Ram as a fiction. Taking a dig at Mr Baalu's recent embroilment in a controversy, the VHP supremo said that Mr Baalu should start reading the "bad omen" that are happening with him.

  • Historic Kalpa beel on the verge of extinction

    Kapla beel at Sarukshetri mouza in Barpeta district is the largest beel in Asom. This wetland filled with natural, geographical and historical resources and encompassing a huge area has the potential to be developed as a tourist destination or spot. But unfortunately this opportunity is lost amid a saga of differences between the State Government and the Fishery Department. The apathy and indifference of the authorities have denied the Kalpa beel its place of pride on the tourist map.

  • Mithi river dredging, desilting drains,

    With only two weeks to go for the pre-monsoon deadline for road and drain works to be completed, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is struggling to meet the demands of the newfound stress on preparedness for disasters. First, even after allocating an additional Rs 110 crore for its works on widening and deepening the Mithi river, officials are unable to promise that a swollen Mithi will not cause floods as it did in 2005.

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