


    Officials from over 70 countries are meeting at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi to discuss the Montevideo Programme II -the second long-term UNEP plan

  • In search of hunger

    In search of hunger

    While the fare at the Rome Food Summit was aimed mainly to help tummy trimming of ambitious plans drawn up earlier, the general feeling of the observer bordered around caution

  • Water rows

    Water rows

    a new United Nations ( un ) agency, set up primarily to resolve conflicts of the sea, has taken shape. Inaugurated mid-October in Hamburg by the un secretary general, Boutros Boutros


    Ageing population will be a serious cause for concern in the coming century according to the World Health Organization (WHO). By 2020, the number of old people is set to nearly double to around


    Plagued by a financial crisis and mounting criticism about waste and mismanagement from the US, UN officials have launched a counter-attack by detailing concrete results achieved by the UN secretary

  • For a better tomorrow

    For a better tomorrow

    Unlike the first United Nations conference on climate change, the recently concluded second meet was marked by a desire to give the planet a second chance

  • In a swelter over shelter

    In a swelter over shelter

    Besides highlighting some of the enduring concerns faced by today s urban planners, what else has the Istanbul city summit Habitat II actually achieved?

  • Water is the key

    Water is the key

    Water availability has emerged as the most important element for peace, Habitat II secretary-general Wally N'Dow told conference delegates. Addressing a panel on the growing water needs of cities,

  • In Focus

    After days of haggling, more than 170 countries reached a new global accord on June 15, at the end of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). Participating nations adopted the


    Austerity measures to prop up the crumbling UN, hit by an acute financial crisis, has resulted in the unprecedented step of enrolling unpaid volunteers. This has become necessary, say UN

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