


    The United Nation's 50th anniversary celebrations in New York (October 2224) were a time of reckoning. Member nations faced the stark reality of a financially straitened UN - a total of US $3.3


    "Passport to the Future - a programme to encourage young people between the age group of 7 to 14 to demonstrate their commitment to global citizenship, was launched by the United Nations

  • High talk

    High talk

    Unspeak has piled up mountains of words on sustainable development of the world's fragile peaks, and action courses seem to have been lost on the way downhill

  • Engendering global development

    Engendering global development

    DESPITE all efforts to marginalise the chasm between the genders, the Human Development Report (hdr), 1995, has documented gender disparities still existing in the world. Prepared against the


    In a fresh initiative against the menace of AIDS, the UN has launched a new US $140 million programme - the United Nations Programme on AIDS. It will brin4 together 6 preinier UN agencies to7


    The UN's 50th anniversary celebrations in San Francisco started in early July on a gloomy note owing to the realisation that the organisation was going broke. Irregular budget contributions by member


    A World Health Organisation's (WHO) recent B Programme report has warned the world community of tuberculosis epidemic. The annual global death toll from TB could rise to 4 million by AD


    Economic liberalisation is forcing East Asians to drugs, says the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNCDP). In Vienna on March 15, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, UNCDP's executive, revealed

  • All for the people

    All for the people

    International organisations concentrating on the moral and material uplift of the underpriviledged

  • The high moral ground

    The high moral ground

    The abortion issue was given more importance than it deserved at the recent Cairo conference on population

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