First food: business of taste
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
The committee headed by N K Ganguly, director general, Indian Council of Medical Research, has finally made its recommendations, mooting a final product standard to regulate soft drinks.
Laporia, Jaipur, Rajasthan
National constitutions have rarely established environmental rights as human rights, but an increasing number recognise the right to a healthy environment and have provisions directed at environmental protection:
Daewoo is the only transnational company in the Indian market that is not interested in getting on to the diesel bandwagon. In an interview with Down To Earth , Anuj Pattanaik, general manager marketing of Daewoo Motors India Ltd, explains the reaso
Kedar, Tamil Nadu
In the absence of appropriate regulations, liberalisation of the Indian auto industry will ruin public health
The inspection and maintenance programme is nothing more than testing tailpipes of vehicles in India. The government should stop wasting resources over this system, which ensures neither compliance nor clean air
India's chief ministers are beginning to take note of environmental problems. But just about. The Centre for Science and Environment conducted a survey of <i>Down To Earth</i> readers and India's environmentalists. A report on the nature of the work carri
Certification in India is a sham. It is done in the most non transparent manner
Swedish tests reveal that increase in emissions of in-use vehicles is higher than expected