

  • Set Calorie Credits

    The current food crisis is nature's way of cocking a snook at man's pompousness. With all the tall claims of progress in science, we are yet to find a permanent solution for the most basic of needs i.e., food. Food riots have been reported from a number of countries including Bangladesh, Egypt, Haiti and the Philippines. Elsewhere the prices of edible commodities are hitting the roof.

  • Careless disposal of medical waste causes health hazard

    Less than 20 per cent of Dhaka's public and private healthcare establishments, including hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres have, so far, been covered by the medical waste management system to protect public health from hazardous medical wastes. The private hospitals, clinics and pathological centres in Dhaka are producing around 400 tonnes of medical waste a day and most of the risky garbage are being disposed of in sewer and open spaces, sources said.

  • Water crisis turns acute in Rajshahi

    Water crisis has turned acute in the Rajshahi city due to frequent power outages and sharp decline in the groundwater level, causing immense sufferings to the city residents. The Rahjshahi City Corporation is now producing only 106 lakh gallons of water against the demand for 226 lakh gallons, according to corporation sources. Due to frequent load shedding and voltage fluctuation, the corporation cannot operate all its 46 pumps at a time to lift water for supply in the city areas.

  • Bangladesh deserves foreign funds

    RECENTLY, an advertisement showed how super-models are trying to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle through their outfits made with materials that are less polluting, less harmful to the environment and the earth, which, in other words, is called a green method of living. Comparing black, a trendy colour for evening parties, with this green way of resource utilisation is not only interesting but also reflects the fact that global environmental issues -- climate change to be precise -- have caught the attention of everyone. The problem

  • FBCCI proposes formation of food security council

    The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday proposed to establish a National Food Security Council for planning and monitoring the production and supply of major food items. The leaders of the FBCCI, country's apex trade body, made the proposal when they called on chief adviser of the military backed interim government Fakhruddin Ahmed at the latter's office. During the meeting, they also put forward some recommendations for expediting the businesses growth and creating employments in the country.

  • Diarrhoea patients fill hospitals as summer gets hotter

    The sweltering summer heat has continued to send more people, mainly children and elderly, suffering from diarrhoea and crowding hospitals in Dhaka city and other parts of the country. A two-year girl, Ria Moni, of Narayanganj died Tuesday on way to ICDDR,B hospital at Mohakhali in Dhaka, her family said. At least one person died and 11,861 others infected with diarrhoea in past seven days, according to the control room of the health directorate that complies reports from public hospitals in districts.

  • DAE plays down extent of boro disease outbreak

    The Department of Agricultural Extension has under-reported the full extent of bacterial disease infestation of hybrid paddy, said field-level officials. They have reportedly been asked to underplay the full extent and severity of the disease. It is estimated that some 30,000 to 35,000 hectares (1 hectare equals 2.471 acres) of paddy have been affected by

  • Thai PM lashes out at WB over biofuel criticism

    UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has accepted Bangladesh's proposal for forming a task force to address the current global food crisis particularly as rice shortages triggered a stir. The proposal, placed by foreign adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury during the current UNCTAD XII session in Accra, the capital of Ghana, was enthusiastically received by the participating delegations.

  • Introduce countrywide rationing system'

    Leaders of the Left Democratic Front (LDF) yesterday submitted a memorandum to the food adviser urging introduction of countrywide rationing system, extending OMS programme and establishing a state buffer stock of essential items to rein in price spiral. Terming the food situation a very alarming, the LDF said a syndicate of crooked hoarders and businessmen hiked the prices of food grains when the government stock was very inadequate and, thus, bagged a huge benefit.

  • Govt to amend fisheries policy

    The government has taken initiatives to amend the existing fisheries policy for making the water bodies suitable for fish production. Chief Adviser's Special Assistant for Livestock and Fishery Resources Ministry Manik Lal Samaddar said this at a view exchange meeting with a delegation of Jatiya Matshyajibi Samity at his ministry yesterday. The delegation said various species of fish are on the verge of extinction, as the existing policy is not favourable for the expansion of fish resources. They urged the government to lease out jalmahals to genuine fishermen.

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