

  • Damn it!

    The Mekong river flowing through six South-East Asian countries is to be arrested by the planned construction of nearly 76 dams. The Mekong Watch Network (MWN) a coalition of NGOs,


    The whole nation is caught in a spider's web. Japan is leaving no stone unturned in its offensive against the poisonous redback spider. Armed with vacuums and fumigators, tweezers and chopsticks,

  • Elusive no more

    Elusive no more

    A Japanese experiment in thefield of neutrino detection has come as manna for physicists and cosmologists, opening before them immense possibilities offinally disentangling some of the most enduringpuzzles which hamper our understanding of nature

  • Lend me your ears

    Lend me your ears

    Hitachi, the Japanese electronics corporation is admirably manipulating the wonders of science for the much ignored field of telecom for the deaf. A fascinating new technology being developed opens up the world for the deaf by making it possible for them

  • Sounds of silence

    Seven researchers working for Mitsubishi in Japan have found a way of making machinery, vehicles and aircrafts operate more silently (New Scientist, Vol 147, No 1997). When air flows through a



    Japan's nuclear dreams nearly went up in smoke when an accident occured at the prototype fast-breeder reactor, Monju, in the second week of December. About three tons of sodium leaked from a

  • On deaf ears, naturally

    BORN in a small farming village on the island of Shikoku, Japan, Masanobu Fukuoka was trained as an inspector. Soon, he began questioning the accomplishments of modern civilisation. In

  • Gene cure

    TO HAVE Alzheimer's disease is consider hell as senile dementia feature. But there is with researchers at Tokyo, Japan, making avail The discovery of a lead to the Vow therapy for the

  • Care club

    Care club

    A new approach to sustainability may serve as the ultimate magic wand for solving global environmental problems


    CLEAN UP TIME: Pollutec Operations, Australia, has come up with a technology to extract litter and other solid debris from urban stormwater drains. The process, known as Continuous Deflective

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