

  • LPG prices raised by Rs 3-5 per kg

    Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices have been increased by Rs 3 to Rs 5 per kg, or Rs 30 to Rs 50 per 11.8 kg cylinder and Rs 115 to Rs 230 for 45.4 kg cylinder by local marketing companies. LPG Distributors Association Pakistan Chairman Abdul Hadi Khan said that due to lack of government concern, the production of LPG has been reduced by 500 tons per day and some conspirators have planned to link its price with Saudi Aramco contract price.

  • 'Agriculture scientists should give top priority to high value crops'

    Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Nazar Muhammad Gondal has said that agricultural scientists should give top priority to high value crops for strengthening economy and overcoming the food shortage. This he stated while inaugurating two-day "National Conference on Boosting Production of Dates for Export" here at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC).

  • Minister directs to expedite work on Gomal Zam Dam

    NWFP Minister for Agriculture, Arbab Muhammad Ayub Jan has directed the concerned authorities to expedite the pace of work over the Gomal Zam Dam project so that a large portion of land could be prepared for the sowing of wheat in the southern districts of NWFP.

  • Iranian government replies to Indian non-paper' on gas pipeline

    Siddharth Varadarajan New Delhi: In an attempt to address the pointed concerns India raised about the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline during the visit here of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last April, the Iranian government has handed over some fresh proposals and called for talks to quickly finalise the deal.

  • Alarming drop in Indus River system water level

    The water inflow in the Indus River system has dropped to an alarming level of 281,000 cusecs per day from 500,000 recorded last week, and Indus River System Authority (IRSA) has asked the provinces to submit revised water requisitions by Wednesday, sources said on Monday. The authority would start providing water to Punjab and Sindh according to the new water plan from August 1.

  • 0.2m children under five die of water-borne diseases annually'Atif Khan

    Around 99 percent of water supplied to the population is unfit for human consumption due to which over 200,000 children under five die from diarrhoea, typhoid fever, cholera and hepatitis A and E every year. Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) scientist Hifza Rasheed said this during a five-day training workshop titled "The challenges of sustainable water supply services' organised at the PCRWR Headquarters here on Monday. Sponsored by the Dutch government, the workshop was attended by a large number of mangers of water supply agencies from across the country.

  • Costly machine lies unused at govt hospital: Dengue fever

    A cell separator bought by the Sindh government about a year back for one of its hospitals in the city in its drive against dengue fever is turning out to be an ill-planned procurement as it has not become operational for want of accessories, said sources in the provincial health department.

  • Mirza gives deadline to irrigation officials

    Irrigation officials are being given three days to ensure availability of water in the tails of all waterways of Badin failing which FIRs will be registered against them, said Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Ali Mirza on Monday. He was speaking at a meeting-cum-open kutchehry with irrigation, revenue and Hesco officials and expressed dissatisfaction over the inefficiency of irrigation and Hesco officials. He warned the officials of Hesco, Irrigation and SIDA to stop conspiring against the PPP government or face jail.

  • NWFP wants out-of-court settlement: Hydel power royalty

    Members of Irrigation Workers Union of Rohri Circle ended protest against irrigation authorities' refusal to provide jobs under quota for the children of deceased and retired employees after talks with chief engineer of Sukkur Barrage here on Monday. The secretary of irrigation directed the chief engineer and superintending engineer of Rohri Circle through a communication that they should negotiate with the striking staff and inform them that quota in jobs for the sons of the deceased employees was intact and they would get the job.

  • Kamber-Shahdadkot district: Rangers take control of irrigation system

    Shahbaz Rangers took control of the irrigation system of Kamber-Shahdadkot district on Monday. Irrigation department sources told APP that rangers on Monday started patrolling the banks of Saifullah Magsi Canal and Khairthar Canal of Kamber-Shahdadkot district so as to check water theft. Shahbaz Rangers' sepoys were also deployed at the Grand Regulator of Taluka Qubo Saeed Khan (Kamber-Shahdadkot), the main distribution point of water between Sindh and Balochistan. There presence was said to help ensure sanctioned share of water flow to both the Provinces.

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