

  • 8.2 million acre feet of water stored in three reservoirs

    Under supervision of the Indus River System Authority (Irsa), Wapda stored 8.2 million acre feet of water in its three main reservoirs Tarbela, Mangla and Chashma for sowing of Rabi crops especially the wheat crop in coming months of October/November. Wapda sources told Business Recorder that with the current inflows in Indus, Kabul and Jhelum rivers, Tarbela and Mangla dams are likely to be filled by middle of next month.

  • IAEA safeguards grant India nuclear weapons status: Pakistan

    Siddharth Varadarajan May move amendments to draft in Board meeting New Delhi: In a four-page letter addressed to Board members of the IAEA, Pakistan has attacked the draft Indian safeguards agreement for envisaging termination conditions and fuel supply arrangements which could allow India to "divert part of [any imported] fuel for weapons purposes.' At the same time, it said that the Indian model should not be "discriminatory' and should be applied to states such as itself.

  • Days of cheap food in Asia are over: ADB

    The era of cheap food for Asia is over as surging demand, supply problems and the growing production of biofuels will keep food prices high, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) warned Tuesday. In its latest Asia Economic Monitor report, the Manila-based lender warned that while previous food price surges were "cyclical and temporary,' the higher prices now being seen were caused by permanent changes. "This time, the impetus appears to come from persistently rising demand ...

  • CDA prepares SOP for solid waste management

    The Capital Development Authority (CDA) on the recommendations of Federal Ombudsman Javed Sadiq Malik has prepared Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for sanitation and solid waste management. The CDA board has approved the SOP developed by the Directorate of Sanitation, according to a press release issued on Tuesday. The SOP is aimed at improving sanitation and solid waste management by establishing a framework for an organised and effective operation on daily basis. The implementation of the ombudsman recommendations are intended to deliver public health benefits to citizens.

  • ADB to lend BD $170m to cope with food crisis

    The Asian Development Bank said Tuesday it is to lend Bangladesh $170 million to help cope with a rapid rise in food prices triggered in part by natural disasters. The loan, part of a package with other multilateral aid donors, "will ensure access to food supply for those hardest hit by recent natural disasters in Bangladesh and the rapid increase in food prices,' the ADB said in a statement. ADB funding will provide support to Bangladeshi government "safety net programmes' intended to ensure that some five million poor people get access to food. afp

  • Rs 2.5bn Hepatitis Control Programme back to the drawing board

    Frustrated over the failure of the Rs 2.5 billion National Programme for the Control and Prevention of Hepatitis (NPCPH) to deliver the goods in the last three years, the Health Ministry bosses and experts are now busy re-designing the current strategy to fight the viral disease whose sufferers are around 15 million in Pakistan. In August 2005, the ministry had launched the five-year NPCPH to contain growing cases of hepatitis, especially hepatitis C, in the country and provide patients with inexpensive treatment.

  • Flour supply at control rate: 54 flour centres set up in Rawalpindi

    The city district government has set up 54 centres in Rawalpindi district to supply flour to the residents at control rate of Rs 375 per 20 kg bag.

  • CNG outlets fleecing consumers

    CNG stations across the district are overcharging consumers without any fear of action from the district administration. It has been learnt that all CNG stations in the district are overcharging consumers by Rs3.60 or more per kilogramme as they are selling gas at the rate of Rs47.28 per kilogramme instead of the government rate of Rs43.68 per kilogramme.

  • Pakistani scientist sets record by evolving five new rice varieties

    Pakistan agriculture scientist set a new record in Asia by successfully evolving five new best quality varieties of "long and extra long hybrid rice" in Pakistan in a short span of seven years. According to details, Dr Ghulam Mustafa Avesi with 35 years rich experience in rice research, successfully conducted uninterrupted hectic field research in various rice growing areas for developing new varieties with best yield per acre for long and extra long hybrid rice, especially suitable to climatic condition of the areas for obtaining bumper crop than traditional rice crop.

  • Failure to respond to CCP letter: CNG station owners body may face Rs one million fine

    The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) is considering imposing a penalty of Rs 1 million on the CNG Station Owners Association for failing to submit information whether it has any role in the fixation of retail prices of CNG, it was learnt.

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