

  • Crops drying up in tail-end areas

    The Sindh Chamber of Agriculture said on Sunday that the water rotation programme being followed despite swelling Indus River, had led to complete destruction of standing sugarcane crop on thousands of acres of land in Khairpur Gambho at the tail-end of Naseer Canal. A meeting of the chamber chaired by Syed Qamaruzzaman Shah demanded supply of water to tail-end growers and regretted that the sugar mill owners had withheld tens of millions of rupees they owed to growers.

  • Foot, mouth disease: government initiates Rs 39.873 million project to establish mobile units

    For a complete eradication of foot and mouth disease in milk giving animals, the provincial ministry for livestock has proposed a global strategy, while it holds the free movement of animals in the region particularly from India and Afghanistan into Pakistan responsible for the disease. This disease to a greater extent has been controlled and affected animals have also been healed; however the herds from other neighbouring countries into Pakistan refresh its speared. Seven different diseases are common in Sindh of the same family.

  • Small dams project: Islamabad to give Rs nine billion to Sindh

    The federal government has agreed in principal to provide Rs 9 billion to Sindh government for the construction of 14 small dams in different parts of the province to overcome the water scarcity. It will be recalled that there was a longstanding disagreement between Islamabad and Sindh on their respective monetary share in the Rs 12 billion project of developing over 200 small dams across the water-thirsty province.

  • Dengue fever Costly machine goes to CHK

    The health authorities have now decided to shift the unused cell separator, which was procured by the Sindh government at a cost of Rs3 million in its drive against dengue about a year back, to the Civil Hospital Karachi at the earliest.

  • Sewerage, water schemes for Qasimabad

    Sindh Minister for Fisheries Zahid Ali Bhurgari has said that a water supply and sewerage scheme for the development of Qasimabad taluka has been submitted to Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and he has called for a feasibility report from the departments concerned to lay a network of development schemes in Qasimabad. He was addressing to an open katchehry at Qasim Park in Qasimabad on Monday.

  • Alarming drop in Indus River system water level

    The water inflow in the Indus River system has dropped to an alarming level of 281,000 cusecs per day from 500,000 recorded last week, and Indus River System Authority (IRSA) has asked the provinces to submit revised water requisitions by Wednesday, sources said on Monday. The authority would start providing water to Punjab and Sindh according to the new water plan from August 1.

  • Costly machine lies unused at govt hospital: Dengue fever

    A cell separator bought by the Sindh government about a year back for one of its hospitals in the city in its drive against dengue fever is turning out to be an ill-planned procurement as it has not become operational for want of accessories, said sources in the provincial health department.

  • Mirza gives deadline to irrigation officials

    Irrigation officials are being given three days to ensure availability of water in the tails of all waterways of Badin failing which FIRs will be registered against them, said Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Ali Mirza on Monday. He was speaking at a meeting-cum-open kutchehry with irrigation, revenue and Hesco officials and expressed dissatisfaction over the inefficiency of irrigation and Hesco officials. He warned the officials of Hesco, Irrigation and SIDA to stop conspiring against the PPP government or face jail.

  • Kamber-Shahdadkot district: Rangers take control of irrigation system

    Shahbaz Rangers took control of the irrigation system of Kamber-Shahdadkot district on Monday. Irrigation department sources told APP that rangers on Monday started patrolling the banks of Saifullah Magsi Canal and Khairthar Canal of Kamber-Shahdadkot district so as to check water theft. Shahbaz Rangers' sepoys were also deployed at the Grand Regulator of Taluka Qubo Saeed Khan (Kamber-Shahdadkot), the main distribution point of water between Sindh and Balochistan. There presence was said to help ensure sanctioned share of water flow to both the Provinces.

  • Wapda stops filling dams to meet provinces' water demand

    Wapda has stopped further filling of Tarbela and Mangala dams and is discharging 0.271 million cusecs water from various rim stations to meet water demands of the provinces for Kharif crops. Wapda sources told Business Recorder here on Monday that water inflows in rivers Indus, Kabul, Jhelum and Chanab have decreased during the last week of July.

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