
Central Chronicle (Bhopal)

  • View Point: E UP choosing mechanical over manual farming

    Farmers in Eastern Uttar Pradesh are increasingly choosing costlier mechanical ways of farming over less-expensive manual ways. Why? "Mechanical harvesting is easy and less time taking. At main harvesting time it's become very tough to get the labourers at right time. And if the harvesting process will get late it can harm our crops due to hailstorm and heavy rains. Due to these factors big and even small and marginal farmers are also moving towards mechanical harvesting" said a farmer living in eastern part of UP, Gyan Chand.

  • Blame game of price rise (Editorial)

    International blame game is going on over the rising prices of food items. America is blaming the poor of China and India for rising prices. India is blaming America's crop diversion for the same. At the same time, same type of blame game is being played in India too. Indian politicians looked very agitated over the remarks of American President Bush when he blamed increased consumption of food by Indian poor. The same politicians, however, forgot that a few months earlier, same type of remark was made by a central minister too.

  • Fight Naxals effectively: New force mooted

    Naxalism has become a cancer for the country now. In some districts of 7-8 states of the country their terror is prevailing. In several districts they are running parallel government. The naxals do as it pleases them in these districts. They have made the administration sick in some areas of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. According to a recent news report, Naxals turnover of recovering money has touched Rs 100 crores. And now this money is also being used in share market.

  • State Pulse: Assam: Stay off my farm

    Locally-developed device turns away Assam's wild elephants - report by Amarjyoti Borah, Nagaon Bolu Nayak doesn't have to buy food for his family anymore. Wild elephants have stopped destroying this poor farmer's land in Lungsung village in Assam's Nagaon district. Crop in his 2.2 hectares are safe, thanks to conservationist Shimanta Kumar Goswami and the 'early warning system' he developed. In 2006, he introduced the simple device on Bolu's farmland. The system not only alerts farmers of straying jumbos, but it also drives them back into forest.

  • Good roads must for progress: Need to monitor quality

    Monsoon is not far away. According to meteorological scientists it might come earlier. Heavy rain during monsoon washes away a lot of road. Moreover, the low quality roads cannot stand even light rains. Condition of roads is not that good in the State. Several roads start becoming worn out soon after their construction. Though all the roads are not of low quality work. It is about those roads which are of low quality. Several roads which connect different cities are not good which were constructed before some days. Pot holes could be seen in these roads at various places.

  • Major achievements in agriculture field

    Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development Department is making all out efforts for conveying the benefits of the state government's welfare schemes to farmers with a view to making agriculture a profitable business. As a result of these efforts, Madhya Pradesh now stands on top as far as production of pulses, oilseeds, gram, maize and soyabean is concerned. State's share in soyabean production is 57.42 per cent.

  • Check population to check inflation

    Managing Inflation has become a bugbear for everyone in this country. The galloping inflation has made the life of ordinary citizen miserable in as much as it has become very difficult to make both ends meet. Prices of foodgrains, oil, milk, vegetables and other essential commodities which constitute an average of more than 50% of the family budget have hit the roof. The situation has become alarming. The main reasons are the fall in agriculture production in the country and all over the world.

  • State Pulse: Arunachal Pradesh: Reservoir of dams

    Arunahcal Pradesh is awarding hydroelectric projects to private companies at the breakneck speed of one every nine days without proper scrutiny. A report by Arnab Pratim Dutta Once you reach Lower Dibang Valley in Arunachal Pradesh, you know you have stepped into the shadowy side of "shining" India -the cell phone stops catching signals, the roads are worn out and the electricity supply, erratic. If you drive 40 km out of its district headquarters Roing to Nizam Ghat and then trek for three hours in Mishmi hills, you will reach Pather Camp, a nowhere destination in absolute wilderness.

  • Elusive SAFTA

    Fourteen SAARC Summits have been held till date, but the South Asia Free Trade Area (SAFTA) is yet to take off! While ASEAN and EU are reaping the benefits of a common market, South Asian countries continue to lag behind. Since the start of our liberal economic policies we have been opening up our market to foreign goods and investments, such as China and South East Asia . While we have signed FTA with Thailand , SAFTA is still elusive.

  • Implementation of plans: Proper monitoring must

    The mid-day meal programme, being run in the State, for school children at times makes headlines for all the wrong reasons. In several schools and anganwadis the tendency of providing sub-standard food or serving less food has become common. Government brings these schemes and programmes with good intentions but its implementation is not done properly. The basic aim of the mid-day meal plan is to create interest among the children towards school and study. On the one hand the children get food for one time in a day whereas in this pretext they come to study in schools.

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