
Situation analysis of energy and gender issues in ECOWAS Member States 2015

The Clean Energy Ministerial's (CEM) Clean Energy Solutions Center released a report on energy and gender issues in the 15 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The report, which lays the groundwork for the development of the ECOWAS Policy for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access, including advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report examines the role of women in energy access and decision-making in the region, finding that women continue to be outside the decision-making sphere on energy policy and their human rights are often compromised when addressing energy access issues. It notes that too few women are currently working in ECOWAS' energy sector, particularly at a leadership level, and highlights ways ECOWAS member States could adopt gender-responsive energy and development strategies to achieve the objectives of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative and SDGs.