
In short

  • 14/03/2005

joining hands: India and the UK recently agreed to enhance cooperation in sustainable development issues. This was indicated at a meeting between Union minister of environment and forests Thiru A Raja and the UK minister of state for environment Elliot Morley. Raja praised the UK's implementation of public-private partnership in environmental issues and said India would like to do the same. He also said India is strengthening its wildlife legislation to incorporate the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and pointed out that the country emits very little quantity of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

adopt an island: In a novel fund-raising move, the UN has put 22 Maldivian islands up for adoption. The money collected will be used for tsunami relief activities in the country. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) recently invited private donors and companies to adopt islands for donations ranging from US $95,000 to US $4.4 million. "A company or an individual can adopt an island and fund reconstruction of destroyed houses,' said Moez Doraid, UNDP country representative in the Maldives. "By helping to rebuild a home, you help reclaim livelihoods.' The tsunami caused widespread damage in the cluster of 1,200 islands.

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