Recharge EU: how many charge points will Europe and its Member States need in the 2020s
After years of slow progress electric vehicles are finally coming to Europe. Driven by the CO2 standards for 2020/21 -that require carmakers to reach on average 5% EV sales share in 2020 and up to 10% in 2021 or face fines -the offer of better performing and more affordable electric vehicles in Europe will at least double. The number of electric models available on the European market will surpass 200 in 2021, while the European EV production will grow significantly to reach four million vehicles annually by 2025. To keep up with this electric surge -estimated to be between 33 million electric cars in the current policy scenario and 44 million in the climate neutral one in 2030 - EU's infrastructure framework needs to prioritise electric charging and be in line with the increasing demand for public and private charge points. This report outlines Transport & Environment's charging master plan for Europe, including both the numbers of public chargers needed and the funding mechanisms to nudge the market in the right direction. A new EU policy framework for alternative fuels infrastructure (AFID) and the funding mechanisms currently discussed in the European Green Deal are the two cornerstones to deliver an ambitious EU recharging infrastructure master plan.