Industry extracting groundwater more than it was allocated in Bawal industrial town, Rewari, Haryana, 06/03/2023
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sanjaya Kumar Mishra Vs Central Ground Water Authority & Others dated 06/03/2022.
Grievance in the application is against illegal extraction of ground water by M/s Mitsui Kingzoku Components India Pvt. Ltd. in Rewari district in Haryana.
According to the applicant, NOC was granted to the project proponent by the ground water authority for groundwater abstraction up to 30m3/day, not exceeding 18,000 m3/year. But much more extraction is taking place.

The NGT has directed for submission of a factual report in the matter from a joint committee of Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Haryana State Pollution Control Board and District Magistrate, Rewari.
The Central Ground Water Board has categorized Bawal area as 'over exploited'.