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  • Tigers` choice

    Tigers' choice

    The big cats have lost one who championed their survival with the death of Kailash Sankhala

  • Trading with environment

    Trading with environment

    UNDER the guise of concern for the environment and public health, Western governments continue to push the private agendas of large multinational interests. Experts advising international green funds

  • Big bull

    RAMAN Sukumar's book on elephants begins with a bull with a headache. We meet Biligiri in the first paragraph: he is an adolescent wild male elephant, "confused, like other sixteen year olds" (sic),

  • Dam alert

    Dam alert

    The construction of the Thoubal multi purpose dam and the Tapaimukh dam in Manipur has sparked off protests

  • Bittersweet medicine

    THE defining feature of modern, Western medical perception is the dominance of the laboratory -- it is the biomedical laboratory which determines whether you are 'sick' or 'healthy', it gives you the

  • Death of a genius

    Death of a genius

    Nonconformist to the core, Linus C Pauling epitomised the spirit of science and peace

  • Stolen treasures

    ETHIOPIA, one of the oldest of farm civilisations, has been mercilessly ravaged by war and famine. Fortunately, Valiant & Khan's Treasures of Ethiopia spares the viewer the stereotypical images of

  • The city before the Taj

    The city before the Taj

    The interests of Agra and its citizens must figure prominently in any effort to save the Taj

  • 'We must teach science in a more hands on manner'

    A professor in the department of chemistry, Delhi University, K V Sane has been instrumental in organising and directing a project on locally produced low cost equipment for chemical education that is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Appli

  • When scientists blow a fuse

    THE much-publicised winds of change supposedly sweeping through the official corridors in India seem to have passed by its scientific institutions. The latest evidence of this comes from the turmoil

  • The nuances of ignorance

    GENDER'S role in social organisation, economic production -- and their attendant problems -- are attracting the notice they so completely deserve. This book is particularly interesting because it is

  • Hello...calling anywhere

    Hello...calling anywhere

    C DOT is transforming the way rural India communicates

  • Warped science

    Warped science

    Aping Western trends in science has given Indian research priorities a skewed perspective

  • Uphill task completed

    IN THE past century, humans have polluted the oceans, poisoned rivers and lakes, made deserts of good, arable land, felled forests, and severely eroded the mountainsides. This book seeks to protect

  • To Summits, traversing slippery slopes

    To Summits, traversing slippery slopes

    WHATEVER happened to the North-South wrangle on the consumption issue? Two grandiose international meets are around the corner: on population next fortnight, and on social development 6 months later.

  • Rivers of discontent

    "FROM the Nile to the Jordan to the Euphrates, armies have been mobilised and treaties signed over this precious commodity. In recent years, the needs of ever-increasing populations and burgeoning

  • ... the key to prosperity

    ... the key to prosperity

    It's time India realises that it is trade and not merely technological innovation that holds...

  • 'Workers' safety is connected with the environment'

    The increasing risk of industrial closure on environmental grounds seems to be stirring many trade unions in India to sensitise themselves to environmental concerns. The Hind Majdoor Sabha HMS , among the largest trade unions in India with its membersh

  • A bright crystal

    A bright crystal

    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, crystallographer and Nobel laureate in chemistry, sparkled in a predominantly male preserve

  • Who`s afraid of Dai Qing?

    Who's afraid of Dai Qing?

    THE Chinese government, on the face of it: the saga of a mere mortal whose ideas on democracy and free speech exposed a state at its Draconian best begins on February 28, 1989. A book, condemning

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