The Lokpal Bill 2010
<p>The Lokpal Bill 2010.</p>
<p>The Lokpal Bill 2010.</p>
Minerals are a finite and non-renewable resource, and must be exploited wisely in the larger interest of the State. While on the one hand, mineral exploration brings about increased economic activity and development of the State, it can have adverse social and ecological consequences which must be sincerely and adequately addressed in the interest of wellbeing of all the citizensof the State.
This study aims at understanding the importance of such farmers' knowledge and role in sustainable agriculture among the Pradhan Tribe in Adilabad District. The paper presents some empirical data from the Pradhan Tribe of Andhra Pradesh which highlights the community's indigenous agricultural knowledge and the
Tourism in the State of Sikkim is growing at a rapid pace in a very well thought of and planned manner. Sikkim now has become one of the best sought after hill destinations at the global level . The leadership is very committed and the State Government has been very effective and successful in educating and guiding the people regarding tourism on the basic principle of Sustainable Development.
This SOP lays down the specific actions required to be taken by various Ministries and Departments of Government of India and Organisations under the control of Government of India at the National level and concerned State Governments and the district administration for responding to natural disasters of any magnitude and dimension.
EQUATIONS was invited by the Member Planning Commission Mr Arun Maira in November 2009 to write about our vision for tourism for India. This came about after a series of discussions with him about our concerns related to tourism development in India and how the Planning Process of the Five Year plans should take these into account.
Accumulating evidence suggests that agricultural production could be greatly affected by climate change, but there remains little quantitative understanding of how these agricultural impacts would affect economic livelihoods in poor countries.
Wind energy is a key solution in the fight against climate change, and the technology is on track to saving 10 bn tons of CO2 by 2020. This means that more than 65% of all emissions reductions pledges tabled by industrialised at the climate negotiations following the Copenhagen Accord could be met by global wind energy alone. This document shows that the current pledges can and must be revised.
This paper reviews available scientific evidence for global warming, the working of the multilateral environmental agreement for tackling the climate change problem and menu of policy options available for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that India
<p>How does the population of inegalitarian countries react to their governments’ initiatives to fight poverty and reduce inequality? Numerous studies published recently assume that the level of income inequality determines the level of popular support for redistribution.
<p>The Open Budget Survey 2010 reveals that 74 of the 94 countries assessed fail to meet basic standards of transparency and accountability with national budgets. This opens the door to abuse and inappropriate and inefficient use of public money.
<p>Country wise export of betel leves for the year 2005-2010.</p>
<p>Curative Petition (Criminal) No. 39-42 of 2010 in Criminal Appeal No. 1672-75 of 1996 on Bhopal Gas Disaster.</p>
<p>Rice is not only the staple food of Sri Lanka, but also a part and parcel of the rural livelihood of the country. The Government of Sri Lanka has introduced a number of policies and programs to increase paddy production since independence.
<p>Clinical research is an important aspect of universalising healthcare, enabling the development of better drugs, tests, vaccines, devices, surgical procedures and other medical interventions and protocols for their safer and more rational use. However, today it is viewed merely as a business investment with high returns.
Whereas, in compliance of the orders of the Hon'ble High Court, Madras dated 03.12.09 in W.P. Nos. 10098/08 and 2762 & 2839/2009, the Government decided that the Elephant Corridor identified by the Expert
Lanco Infratech Limited is one of the fastest growing integrated infrastructure development conglomerates, engaged in power, EPC, solar, natural resources and other infrastructure projects. Lanco is one
Kutch Coast is one of the rare ecological zones in the world having rich bio-diversity. It comprises of mangroves, Coral reefs, Mudflats, Seaweeds, Commercial Fishes and several rare marine species. The
The National Green Tribunal Bill was considered by the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests following which they made certain recommendations in their report dated 24th November 2009. A summary of the recommendations made and proposed to be accepted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
This ’State of Play’ report provides representative examples of the range of sustainable building activity in India. The report explains the state of sustainable buildings and construction in India including