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Guidebook for the formulation of afforestation/reforestation and bioenergy projects in the regulatory carbon market
The purpose of this guidebook is to serve as guidance for those interested in developing a land-use change and forestry projects and bioenergy projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. It also provides material on the voluntary markets.
Climate change and public health in Indonesia impacts and adaptation
Budi Haryanto of the University of Indonesia reviews expected global health impacts of climate change, and then outlines both direct and indirect health impacts specific to Indonesia. After setting out specific drivers of the climate change-health nexus in Indonesia, Haryanto summarises the range of current Indonesian research on health impacts.
Reducing transport GHG emissions: opportunities and costs
This document says that climate change poses two fundamental challenges for the transport sector: transport will have to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and it will require investment in order to adapt to impacts of climate change.
Assessment of snow, glacier and water resources in Asia
The topic of water availability and the possible effects of climate change on water resources are of paramount importance to the Central Asian countries. In the last decades, water supply security has turned out to be one of the major challenges for these countries. The supply initially ensured by snow and glaciers is increasingly being threatened by climate change.
Can organic and resource-conserving agriculture improve livelihoods?
This paper assesses the capacity of organic and resource-conserving agriculture (ORCA) to improve the livelihoods of poor smallholders in Africa. Distinguishing among the different practices related to ORCA is sometimes difficult because
Environmental assessment for use on medium-impact projects
This document addresses development projects' impact on the environment, which may be harmful to communities and ultimately increases poverty and makes people more vulnerable to disasters. It contains an environmental assessment template and describes the six steps involved in completing this assessment, in addition to disaster and climate risk reduction cases.
Biofuels 2010: spotting the next wave - executive summary
One response to the threat of climate change would be to regulate the use of carbon fossil fuels with an externality tax or some other policy measure. Taxing fossil fuels would drive up the price of petroleum products, making alternative fuels more economically attractive. Yet, can alternative fuels compete without policy initiatives?
Ocean acidification: a hidden risk for sustainable development
This policy brief was prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Sustainable Development, and reviews the topic of ocean acidification and current UN actors that are considering oceans issues.
A global green new deal for climate, energy, and development
This paper lays out a strategy - a Global Green New Deal - for reducing greenhouse gas emissions without sacrificing development. The crux of the strategy relies on a big investment push that quickly lowers the cost of renewable energy.
Population dynamics and climate change
This book broadens and deepens understanding of a wide range of population-climate change linkages. Incorporating population dynamics into research, policymaking and advocacy around climate change is critical for understanding the trajectory of global greenhouse gas emissions, for developing and implementing adaptation plans and thus for global and national efforts to curtail this threat.
Proceedings of the second national workshop on strategic issues in Indian irrigation
The second national workshop of the NRLP research project, held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, on April 8-9, 2009, mainly focused on strategic issues of Indian irrigation that require immediate attention. The issues highlighted at the workshop contribute to a cluster of short- to long-term strategies for a perspective plan for the Indian water sector.
Monitoring and mapping urban air pollution: a one day experiment in Delhi, India
Like many cities in India (and in the developing world), Delhi lacks the necessary number of operational air quality monitors. This paper presents a proposal to monitor particulate pollution cheaply and effectively and a methodology to map the pollution over city for understanding the hot spots and studying exposure levels.
Review of the literature on the links between biodiversity and climate change: impacts, adaptation and mitigation
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) concluded that climate change will have significant impacts on many aspects of biological diversity; on ecosystems, species, genetic diversity within species, and on ecological interactions.
Buildings and climate change: summary for decision-makers
A Summary for Decision Makers, the latest UNEP-SBCI report, highlights the potential of more efficient buildings in addressing climate change.
Carbon markets and forest conservation: a review of the environmental benefits of REDD mechanisms
This report considers the measures that have been and might be undertaken to promote environmental co-benefits from REDD. Such measures may be linked to decisions on financing. The report surveys the measures that are found in existing REDD initiatives, including in the proposed UNFCCC REDD mechanism itself.
Climate change: Research to meet the challenges facing fisheries and aquaculture
Climate change poses new challenges to the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture systems, with serious implications for the 520 million people who depend on them for their livelihoods and the nearly 3 billion people for whom fish is an important source of animal protein.
Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture
Marine capture fisheries already facing multiple challenges due to overfishing, habitat loss and weak management are poorly positioned to cope with new problems stemming from climate change, an FAO study suggests. Small island developing states
Species feeling the heat: Connecting deforestation and climate change
This report profiles more than a dozen animal species and groups impacted by changing land and sea temperatures, shifting rain patterns, exposure to new pathogens and disease, and increased threats of predation.
Sustainable groundwater development through integrated watershed management for food security
This paper discusses the results from on-farm community watersheds through groundwater management as the drivers for sustainable management of watersheds dry land areas. The issues of sustainable development and management of the groundwater resource through integrated watershed management (IWM) approach are also dealt relative to food production and security.