Malaria transmission in the vicinity of impounded water: evidence from the Koka Reservoir, Ethiopia
The construction of dams in Africa is often associated with adverse malaria impacts in surrounding communities. However, the
The construction of dams in Africa is often associated with adverse malaria impacts in surrounding communities. However, the
This report takes another look at the costs of adapting to climate change. The estimates for 2030 used by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are likely to be substantial under-estimates. This report look at the estimates from a range
This report takes another look at the costs of adapting to climate change. The estimates for 2030 used by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are likely to be substantial under-estimates. This report look at the estimates from a range
This report addresses sea-level rise and the associated flooding of coastal regions and it s the first-of-its kind assessment incorporating the fate of the ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica into global sea level projections.
Renewable energy sources, which afford several benefits like reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, sustainability in the context of decreasing global reserves of fossil fuels, suitability in meeting diffused and decentralized needs will play a critical role in the future economic growth of our country.
This report defines sustainable SMEs as those whose core business produces a triple bottom-line return
This paper argues that the disproportionate attention that policy solutions to the food price crisis give to rural dwellers is probably misplaced. Although in developing countries rural poverty is often deeper and more widespread than urban poverty, rural dwellers are often net producers of food, frequently of the very staples whose prices are rising.
This latest document details short term strategy to moderate current drought impact and medium or long term strategy needed to negate such calamities in future. See Also Report: Crisis management plan: drought Feature: Rain Shocked Feature: India must focus on rainfed farming
An updated status of state-wise implementation of the Act is given in this report. As per the information collected from the States till 31st July, 2009, more than 22.99 lakhs claims have been filed and more than 2.88 lakhs titles have been distributed. More than 1.54 lakhs titles are ready for distribution. Pending population of the web-site
This report focuses on transboundary water resources management and challenges the international water community to grapple with some of the latest conceptual thinking and most recent lessons learned from around the world. Presents realworld experience of cooperation at the international & community levels and innovative approaches to overcome political obstacles to cooperation.
Results of ambient air quality monitoring carried out during 2008 at various monitoring stations under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme by the CPCB.
Stringent global greenhouse gas emission reductions by all sectors and all countries will be necessary to keep global average temperature increase below 2
This report focuses especially on the structure of the state, emphasizing the importance of inclusion as a trigger for the
When implemented properly, an early action component of a cap-and-trade program can reward early actors while preserving or enhancing the environmental outcomes of the cap-and-trade
This report, produced jointly by IUCN and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), identifies 16 initiatives or tools for water management, driven by business leaders, civil society and governments, which have emerged since 2006.
This paper combined a hydro-crop model with a dynamic general equilibrium (DCGE) model to assess the impacts of climate variability and change on economic growth and poverty reduction in Zambia.
This recent report cautions that the production of biofuels is fuelling poverty, human rights abuses and damage to the environment. Includes case studies of communities which are growing biofuels on a small scale to supply their own energy needs.
The National Conference of Ministers of Environment and Forests was held on 18th August, 2009 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The aim of the Conference was to enhance cooperation and identify concrete actions in priority areas for protecting the environment and forests.
This latest CSE study reveals that most of the popular brands of paints contain high quantities of lead, a toxin especially dangerous for children. Says that weak regulatory control is the real culprit as there is no mandatory standard for lead levels in paints in the country. Source: See Also: