Partnerships for a cleaner city: lessons on managing the urban environment
This is the story of how seven poor communities used grant assis
This is the story of how seven poor communities used grant assis
Volatile energy prices and growing environmental concerns have catapulted climate change to the top of corporate agendas of many industries. Until now, attention has focused on emissions-intensive industries, such as power generation and oil production. Yet climate change is a critical issue for all sectors of the economy.
Extreme weather events are generally expected to increase in frequency and intensity due to global climate change. They have the potential to significantly undermine progress towards
Human activity is causing irreversible harm to the climate system and environment. The Kyoto Protocol is only a good starting point to raise the awareness of climate change.
The urban poor are particularly vulnerable in times of crisis due to their heavy reliance on the cash economy, job losses and wage reductions in urban based industries, and no agricultural production to fallback on. Prioritizing investments in cities can help to mitigate impacts in the short run and reduce risks in the future.
Environmental stories to watch in 2009 talk about four stories: Will the economic stimulus be green?; What are the prospects of Congress passing climate legislation?; How will the U.S. work with China?; and Will see a new weapon for protecting global forests and stopping illegal logging?.
All transboundary water bodies create hydrological, social and economic interdependencies between societies. They are vital for economic development, reducing poverty and contributing to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
Natural hazards, which are becoming more intense and frequent, have a devastating impact on the world
An inadequate piped water supply from the public utility, characterized by intermittence and unreliability, and supplemented by private uncontrolled groundwater abstraction, is a common feature of most Indian cities as well as other developing cities in the world Given the high level of pollution of urban aquifers, the usual diagnosis consists in considering private groundwater abstraction as an u
This Sourcebook is part of a broader program of work on governance and corruption in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Sourcebook is meant as a resource to assist water and sanitation sector practitioners to assess the extent and risks of corruption in the sector and to improve governance in ways that reduce corruption.
Agriculture will face significant challenges in the 21st century, largely due to the need to increase global food supply under the declining availability of soil and water resources and increasing threats from climate change.
The second report on Carbon Disclosure Project in India by WWF-India, CII- ITC CESD and CDP provides global and domestic investors with an analysis of how India's 200 largest companies are responding to climate change.
The audit report conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General on management of fuel for Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). DAE has been blamed for being unable to exploit the country
This resettlement plan is prepared to deal with impacts of land acquisition and resettlement issues resulting from the rehabilitation of the road sub-project. The plan provides an analysis of the impacts, identifies the nature and types of losses, and establishes and entitlement matrix as a guide to payments for compensation and resettlement benefits.
The main objective of the present study is to analyse the implications of shifting from free allocation to auctioning of EU ETS allowances (EUAs) for the power sector in the Netherlands. In
The State of the World
Poverty and health are inextricably linked as the poor are always the first to suffer from degraded soil, water, and environment. For poor farmers in developing countries, inappropriate use of pesticides is known to be a serious problem.
Considering the costs and risks of inaction, ambitious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is economically rational. However, success in abating world emissions will ultimately require a least-cost set of policy instruments that is applied as widely as possible across all emission sources (countries, sectors and greenhouse gases).
Despite the fact that India is experiencing tremendous growth as an industrialised society, it is estimated that at least 400 million people live on or below the poverty line. The majority of these people live in the many tens of thousands of rural villages scattered around the sub-continent. Life in rural India has in many respects remained much the same for the past several hundred years.