Andhra Pradesh state policy on organic farming
This document details the Andhra Pradesh state organic farming policy aimed at promoting the use of organic manure and helping the farmers to get higher yield and price for the produce.
This document details the Andhra Pradesh state organic farming policy aimed at promoting the use of organic manure and helping the farmers to get higher yield and price for the produce.
Within a handful of decades, climate in many parts of the United States is expected to be significantly warmer than even the warmest years of the 20th century, increasing the risk of drought, flooding, forest fires, disease, and other impacts across many regions. "Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments' is designed to help local, regional, and state governments prepare for climate change by recommending a detailed, easy-to-understand process for climate change preparedness based on familiar resources and tools.
Nature knows better how to keep the water sources clean and nourishing. Our traditions, also could maintain their water sources for the past 10,000 years. Water quality problems and water scarcity- both are due to pollution of air, caused by increase in the use of fossil fuels. This produces rain with nitrates and acidity. This pollutes the surface water bodies and also the groundwater.
A new report offers suggestions on how to minimize the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. Climate change is threatening forests, rivers, wetlands, and coral reefs as well as the valuable, life-sustaining services that these ecosystems provide. A report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Center for Environmental Assessment suggests tools, some of which are already in use, to minimize the impact of climate change by making the ecosystems more resilient to disturbances.
The primary objective of an REIA study includes determination of the present environmental scenario, study of the specific activity related to the project and evaluation of probable environmental impact due to these specific activities, thus leading to the recommendations of necessary environmental control measures for a sustainable environment.
The following draft of certain rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 2989, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise the powers conferred by section 110 the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), is hereby published as required by sub-section (1) of section 212 of the said Act for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby give
<p>This is an EIA report that Nirma Limited (NL) proposes to set up a cement plant (cement plant 1.91 million tonnes per annum (MTPA), 1.5 MTPA clinker), coke oven (capacity 1.5 Lakh TPA) and a captive power plant (capacity 50 MW) at village Padhiarka, 15 km from Taluka headquarters Mahuva in district Bhavnagar of Gujarat.</p>
This dissertation addresses the challenge of supplying water to rapidly growing cities in South Asia, using evidence from the water-scarce city of Chennai. Chennai (formerly Madras) is a rapidly growing metropolis of over 6.5 million people, whose infrastructure has not kept pace with its growing demand for water.
This study looks at the approaches of different private, voluntary standards in coffee supply chains on controlling the use of hazardous pesticides and moving to safer pest management. It draws some conclusions from the different schemes and highlights issues for private and public sector stakeholders.
The water quality data on rivers, lakes, ponds, tanks and groundwater locations being monitored under the network is evaluated against the water quality criteria and the monitoring locations in exceedence with respect to one or more parameters are identified as polluted and require action for restoration of water quality.
Bill to regulate and control the development of groundwater and the matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. This Act may be called the
A powerful historical pathway of structural transformation is experienced by all successful developing countries, and this working paper presents the results of new empirical analysis of the process. Making sure the poor are connected to both the structural transformation and to the policy initiatives designed to ameliorate the distributional consequences of rapid transformation has turned out to be a major challenge for policy makers over the past half century. There are successes and
<p>This is an executive summary of EIA & EMP that Nirma Limited (NL) proposes to set up a cement plant (cement plant 1.91 million tonnes per annum (MTPA), 1.5 MTPA clinker), coke oven (capacity 1.5 Lakh TPA) and a captive power plant (capacity 50 MW) at village Padhiarka, 15 km from Taluka headquarters Mahuva in district Bhavnagar of Gujarat.</p>
This review examines evidence of the indirect effects of increasing demand for biofuels and makes recommendations that provide a direction for policy to deliver sustainable biofuels into the UK and EU transport fuels market. The review has been undertaken by the Renewable Fuels Agency at the request of the UK Government.
This report details how Citizens' action initiatives have empowered poor communities in developing countries to assert their demand for equitable, sustainable water and sanitation services, and work with service provides on developing action plans to achieve this. Using the Citizens' action approach poor people have been given a voice and have succeeded in making public authorities address issues of inadequate water and sanitation provision.
This case study is a review of socio-economic structure of the people, their loss and benefit out of sanctuaries, concept of WTP (willingness to pay) and finally attitude towards conservation. Details salient features of a recommended female oriented economic development programme and says that this is certain to have long lasting effect on the general attitude towards wildlife conservation.
Climate change, interacting with changes in land use and demographics, will affect important human dimensions in the United States, especially those related to human health, settlements and welfare.
Solid waste management and good governance are two sides of the same coin. This point was made clear by the British scholar Sir David Wilson who said that the state of solid waste management in a city is perhaps the best indicator of the state of urban
This paper uses a sample of 73 developing countries to estimate the change in the cost of alleviating urban poverty brought about by the recent increase in food prices. This cost is approximated by the change in the poverty deficit, that is, the variation in financial resources required to eliminate poverty under perfect targeting. The results show that, for most countries, the cost represents less than 0.1 percent of gross domestic product. However, in the most severely affected, it may exceed 3 percent.
The 2008 global food crisis is compromising the survival of 860 million undernourished people and threatens to push a hundred million people into extreme poverty, erasing all of the gains made in eradicating poverty in the last decade. Record high