Global warming 'a major health risk'
Australian scientists have warned that global warming is already causing death and disease across the world through flooding, environmental destruction, heatwaves and other extreme weather events.
Australian scientists have warned that global warming is already causing death and disease across the world through flooding, environmental destruction, heatwaves and other extreme weather events.
The uncertainty associated with predicting extreme weather events has serious implications for the developing world, owing to the greater societal vulnerability to such events. Continual exposure to unanticipated
The present report is a collection of research results presented, by IITM scientists and other experts at the IITM Monsoon Discussion Forums (IMDF) during conspicuous boreal summer of 2015. The evolution
In recent months, extreme weather events have repeatedly assaulted India. Global studies suggest that weather-related disasters have increased three-fold over the past 30 years. The United Nations
Extreme cold and heat waves, characterized by a number of cold or hot days in succession, place a strain on people's cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The increase in deaths due to these waves may
Extreme weather events are generally expected to increase in frequency and intensity due to global climate change. They have the potential to significantly undermine progress towards
This WMO annual survey on weather and climate change provides evidence that the period, 2000
This working paper provides a summary of initial findings on the factors influencing how meso-level institutions in Nepal are responding to climate change and extreme climate events. Nepal is still experiencing
This document by IMD, contains the highlights of temperatures during the year 2009. It presents the monthly temperature profile with spatial pattern over India. For full report:
The recent decade has seen an exceptional number of boreal summer weather extremes, some causing massive damage to society. There is a strong scientific debate about the underlying causes of these events.
This report sets out the risks to food security in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from climate change, and how these vulnerabilities interact with other key trends and sources of risk, including
The year 2009 is likely to rank in the top 10 warmest on record since the beginning of instrumental climate records in 1850, according to WMO. Finds that the decade of the 2000s (2000
The provisional statement on the status of the global climate, released by WMO provides the technical information on world’s 10th warmest year, warmest year with La Niña on record, second-lowest Arctic sea ice extent for the year 2011.
This document provides technical support for the endangerment and cause or contribute analyses concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act.
There are more than one billion hungry people in the world
The forest sector in Canada is vulnerable to climate change, because of the expected magnitude of climate change at Canada
This paper first looks at why, how, where and when does migration become an effective adaptation strategy. Then it gives a snapshot of the changing migration patterns in Bangladesh. It examines how policies
State level climate change trends over India during last 60 years have been presented this publication. The publication contains quantification of climate change trends with latest data (1951-2010) in
This report aims to make a contribution to the discussion on how both the prevailing climate and potential nuclear threats may interact with each other. Despite an increased understanding of the climate
The authors in this paper present a factual and a brief review of the extreme weather events that occurred in India during the last 100 years (1991-2004). The socio-economic impacts of the extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, cyclones, hail storm, thunderstorm, heat and cold waves have been increasing due to large growth of population and its migration towards urban